Saturday, May 28, 2011

No Comment.....(-___-)..

Assalamualaikum & good day to everyone(-.-,)

Not much happened since last week apart from my examination result came out. My sister will be sitting for a supplementary paper this Monday though, i wish her all the best. I hope she can pull it through....

Been a doing a lot of thinking and wondering as well lately. I got extra credit hours to take all the subject for next semester but i don't think i can manage the time and the possibility of clashes of schedule is high. I'm out of ideas & plans...(~_~') Right now i've only managed to register for 6 subjects but i have three more waiting. I have the opportunity to take them but I'm totally scared that i cannot make it. I don't want to spend another semester in campus! well, not that i hated it but i also want to get a life and move on. I want to move to a higher level and graduate fast\(>.<)/

So silly of me...I don't even try...Its not that i'm hoping for a miracle but...i don't want to burden others. Mother & Father had enough problems in a lifetime and i especially don't want to cause more trouble let alone ask for help. I think i can...but i'm lack of courage to face it. I don't want to go to that path again. This time, I really3X have to struggle to get my self from the bottom to the higher level. Insya'Allah...

My dream is to go overseas. To be frank, I'm a bit jealous of a friend of mine who is, i know having a time of her life in the land of the rising sun. Ya Allah, I really envied her (but in a good way)...One of these days, Insya'Allah I will get to go just like her. To think again, i'm quite thankful for still being in my homeland. Not that i dislike it but to me...I want to explore more things around and gain more knowledge. I have been stuck inside my house for at least three weeks right now. Next week, My aunt told me that she was planning to bring us to go hiking in the mountain. I'm not really fond of it but if it means to find an excuse to get out of the house, i guess i can give it a try....

Gosh i hope that next week will be less busy for me but then again, i have to make a few preparations for the next semester. I still have to see my lecturer regarding a few problems...hope all goes well for me and for all of you readers as well..(May your life be far less complicated than mine...)


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rahmat Illahi...=)

Assalamualaikum & a very good day to everyone(^^,)

Alhamdulillah, Syukur x terhingga dah ana skarang nih...Sememangnya kejayaan milik Allah selamanya & tanpa keredhaan-Nya sebarang kejayaan tiada makna langsung....

Result exam bagi bebudak UiTM keluar hari nie. Alhamdulillah, Ana pass!! sebelum nie asyik down je..dengan rahmat dari Allah juga ana dapat meraih kejayaan ini. Terima Kasih Ya Allah...=) Dengan kejayaan ini ana akan ambik langkah berhati2 jugak. X semestinya kejayaan itu kekal selamaya..there will be the ups and downs...Ana ambik semuanya sebagai pengajaran for me to go to a higher level. Insya'Allah, by the middle of next year i can finally graduate..wallahualam, Insya'Allah...;)

Akak ana, haish...pening kepala dibuatnya. oleh kerana dier x buat SUFO ( evaluation for lecturers ) dier punye result terpaksa wait for 24 hours. esok baru dapat. Alhamdulillah & congratulations buat kawan2 ana yang berjaya dpt dekan & pass exam dier org sem nie. Alhamdulillah mereka pun dah bergelar graduan(^^,)...Insya'Allah nanti giliran ana pulak akan pakai square hat tu..hehe..memang impian pon.

There's still a lot for me to learn and do. Ana nak habiskan diploma secepat yang mungkin but i will take things one by one...mksdnyer i can learn a lot of things but slow and rush. bak kata pak cik ana, don't let yourself live for the world but let the world live for you...(macam tu gak bunyinyer...) Seeking knowledge is never an easy job or tasks. but it can be achieved if one is discipline with one self & toward his/her Creator. Belajar kerana Allah, bukan belajar untuk mendapat dunia... kalau belajar untuk akhirat, insya'Allah dunia akan mengikuti anda..=)

My task right now is to finish my diploma and move on to a higher level. When i see my result today i immediately knew i had study with the wrong lecturer. different tutors have different style of teaching but what's the difference if you cannot make the students understand? The reason why many students fail is not because they don't study, but the do not understand what they are of the lecturers in my university once said to me that if you are a university student you don't read notes but books. From here i understood what he had meant. Reading is a powerful tool..without it we can never understand anything. The thing is, not all teachers have that essence to spread good teachings. They also have to accept that not all students are sharp thinkers...they needed to put extra attention(effort). Both teachers & students need to work side by side so that good results can be achieved. Try to do exercise and interesting educational games to make them understand such as word puzzle, scrabble..ect. by all means, students also need to 'PAY ATTENTION' to the details especially...and then respect your teachers for they gave you the knowledge. without their blessing, you can NEVER achieve greatness. Teachers also need to understand their students behavior as well as respect them. being firm, yes but gentle at heart. pros and contra is always there. its up to the human itself to think which is good and which one is bad. if good accept it but if it is a bad one avoid it...(-.-,)

well, i have to go for now..till then..(^^,)

Friday, May 20, 2011

random life...

Assalamualaikum & a very good day to all(^^,)

Fuuuuhhh...lame gak ana x update blog nih. X banyak sesangat al kisah semenjak beberapa minggu nih. Alhamdulillah, kembar ana(kakak), adibah baru je 2 minggu lalu balik ke rumah selepas terperap kat kampus. Dier kat sana join satu program nih ape tu ye?? ah, 3P kalo x silap...(X tau cam mane nak translate kan ketiga2 maksud 3P tuh. akak ana citer yang masa they all duduk exam online, dier fail. Mana tak nyer!! satu kelas pecah rekod, semua fail. Ana bagitau kt dier x pa, sbb masa dier balik time tu ader gak rupa dier down ckit...anyways, kita hanya mampu merancang tetapi Allah yang akan menetukan semuanya...dengan adanya niat, usaha & keikhlasan dalam hati, Insya'Allah kerja boleh jadi lebih kalau x, hidup boleh jadi cincai..

Sepanjang minggu nih x banyak aktiviti yang boleh dijalankan. Ana masa cuti nih jadi suri rumah sementara..hehe. X pa, ana pon suke buat keje2 kat umah. Kerja utama ana skarang is jadi bibik... When mum & dad goes to work, ana & siblings ana je tinggal kat umah so x der ape2 sgt nak di buat. Boring? ader jugak...Ana sempat meng-upgrade kan cooking skills ana. Alhamdulillah, ader rahmat gak cuti time nih. Ana experiment mcm2 masakan. rasa tuh..ehehehehee...mak ana puji masakan ana( cewah, ader skill nak jadi calon masterchef lah alamat nya nie(^^,) ) Mak to the rescue lagi...(^^,)...di kala keboringan, mak ana bawak kami pi swimming dekat santubong. to tell you guys the truth, ana dari sejak dulu lagi memang suka swimming but....huhuhuhuhuuu...ana x pandai berenang\(>.<)/. stakat duduk main kat kiddy pool je & tempat mana air rendah....Adik lelaki ana kacau & suka comment on my swimming. he says that the way i swim is quite something out of this world! macam le dier tu pandai sangat!..huhu..memang pon. Seriously, i have to admint my mom says the same thing what my little brother had comment me...(~____~')...x per, nanti dpt gak kalahkan dier dalam lumba berenang jugak!! Mujurlah adik perempuan ana agree to teach me a few moves.

Dalam dua hari lagi genaplah ana & kembar ana berumur___(ehem, hehe malas nak bg tau). Yang penting is I'm very thankful to Allah for still giving me a chance to breath air in this world. A long time a go when I was still a freshman in university, a very wonderful senior of mine once told me that life is like a train that travels from one station to another. One station is like the problems that we faced and once it is over we continue our journey till one day it will run out of engine and finally it meets its end...

Ana bersyukur skali bab masih diberi peluang untuk beribadah di kehidupan ini...There is so many things that I want to do but then again the time i have seems short. When i look back at the past and all the things that i've been through..All i can say is...Masya'Allah. I read an article once saying that never judge a book by its cover. yup i can say that this is true. We must not judge people by how they present. we might never knew what kind of weather they had been through in the past. Who knows? they might be more than just that of what you see in them right now. The Past, it will always haunt me...but, with the Present and Future in my hands, Insya'Allah! I will overcome all obstacles...

thinking of the days that lies ahead scares me at times...i know and feel that i'm way behind the others. Most of my friends have already graduated but i'm still continuing the journey. I take this as a lesson as well as the hope for me to win back my future. I dont really care what others will say ( though at heart i do feel a little sensitive at times) i will finish the task that was assign to me two years ago. My personality or myself may look dull in the eyes of one person..or another, three words. i don't care. Allah is always with me all the way. sometimes the things that i've gone through are good things and i can adapt to them very well...sometimes. I simply tell myself that there is a purpose of my long stay here in campus while all my friends and peers are going to graduate soon. To me, i take it as a blessing from of the many reasons are, i still have lots more to improve and prepare before i go out there. I'm thankful to Allah as well because i get to see a different perspective of people and other students from other semesters. i find observing and learning from them were actually good. though we may not be in the same age and there were so many differences, i can manage them well. i don't know what will the outside world will be for me but i hope there will be less argument or the yelling......

okay...ana dah kehilangan kata2 dah... plus, i have just recovered from a sore throat in which, hits my sister a few days ago and now the sore tries to dominate my throat back. Looks like the season of fever had fully never left me...more water, less talk, more typing..;)hehe...

p/s: Ana, Insya'Allah nanti nak pi tengok citer Nur Kasih the Movie. nanti ana post dier punye review. Mak ana pon nak pi tengok jugak. banyak yg kater citer tu best. kena cari time yg sesuai batu dpt tengok. I hope to see the movie next monday or around next week...insya'Allah...=)


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Happy Teachers Day...

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to everyone(^^,)...
Its a special day today. Wishing a very Happy Teacher's day to all Teachers and for all Lecturers as well(^.^) May God continue to bless u in every step of the way in your journey educating our nation...Thank you for lighting up our lives when we are in darkness(-.-,)..
Selamat Hari Guru, Cikgu!!
Be it a a teacher, lecturer or just simply people that likes to spread knowledge, the job they held is like a burning candle that lights up one's life. The dedication and hard work they gave to mold the nation is big. Being a teacher is never an easy task...the problems they face to make our nation to understand is enough to make them go nuts at certain times. But once they saw the smiles, the happiness and success the students have achieved they'll make me proud to be a teacher..=)

So students, please don't give your teachers a headache. love them for they are the ones that give you knowledge and taught you the things in life. treat them with respect... and teachers, do go easy with your students. When it comes to teaching, not all students are bright nor are they dumb. The country gives you this task so that you can make them to be a better person in life. appreciate each and every one of them. be a good listener instead of a good speaker. in a way students will appreciate you in the end as well....=)


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Buat mama tercinta, Kasihmu tiada terkira...terima kasih buat mama (Rohani Uni) for all the things that you have done for us...Moga sentiasa dirahmati Allah S.WT & semoga mama sentiasa dalam keadaan yg sejahtera dunia & akhirat. May u have a prosperous future ahead..Happy Mothers day mama♥♥♥..tirah ♥ u always & forever...=)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Jika aku jatuh cinta...

Ya Allah
Jika aku jatuh cinta,
cintakanlah aku pada seseorang yg
melabuhkan cintanya padaMu
agar bertambah kekuatanku untuk mencintaiMu..

Ya Allah..
Jika aku jatuh hati..
izinkanlah hati aku menyentuh hati
seseorg yg hatinya tertaut padaMu..
agar tidak terjatuh aku dlm jurang
cinta nafsu...

Ya Allah..
Jika aku jatuh hati..
jagalah hatiku padanya agar
tidak berpaling dari hatiMu..

Ya Allah..
Jika hatiku tertaut..
tautkanlah ia pada seseorg yg merindui
untuk berjuang di jlnMu agar
aku tidak lalai dlm merindui syahid di jlnMu..

Ya Allah..
Jika hati ini hadir rasa cinta..
jgn Kau biarkan cinta ku padanya
melebihi cintaku padaMu...

Ya Allah
Kurniakanlah aku CintaMu,
kurniakan kpdku cinta org yg cinta kpdMu,
kurniakanlah aku cinta apa saja yg menghampirkan
aku pada Allah..
Semoga cinta kpd Allah itu lebih kita dambakan dari
seteguk air..

Ya Allah
yang maha Agung,
aku hambaMu yg tidak layak ke syurgaMu,
namun aku juga tidak sanggup merasa seksa azab nerakaMu.
Maka dengan itu aku memohon keampunan dariMu
kerana sesungguhnya Engkau pengampun dosa² besar."


.::Semoga terhazaf dosa² dgn mehnah cintaNya..insyaAllah::.


Lelaki acuan al-Quran

Lelaki acuan al-Quran ialah seorang lelaki yang beriman
Yang hatinya disaluti rasa taqwa kepada Allah SWT
Yang sentiasa haus dengan ilmu
Yang sentiasa dahaga dengan pahala
Yang solatnya adalah maruah dirinya
Yang tidak pernah takut berkata benar
Yang tidak pernah gentar untuk melawan nafsu

Lelaki acuan al-Quran ialah lelaki yang menjaga pergaulan dan tutur katanya
Yang tidak bermegah dengan ilmu yang dimilikinya
Yang tidak bermegah dengan harta dunia yang dicarinya
Yang sentiasa berbuat kebaikan kerana sifatnya yang pelindung
Yang mempunyai ramai kawan dan tidak mempunyai musuh yang bersifat jembalang

Lelaki acuan al-Quran ialah lelaki yang menghormati ibu bapanya
Yang sentiasa berbakti kepada kedua orang tua dan keluarga
Yang bakal menjaga keharmonian rumahtangga
Yang akan mendidik anak anak dan isteri mendalami agama
Yang mengamalkan hidup penuh kesederhanaan
Kerana dunia baginya adalah rumah sementara menunggu akhirat

Lelaki acuan al-Quran sentiasa bersedia untuk agamanya
Yang hidup dibawah naungan al-Quran dan mencontohi sifat Rasulullah SAW
Yang boleh diajak berbincang dan berbicara
Yang sujudnya penuh kesyukuran dengan rahmat Allah ke atasnya

Lelaki acuan al-Quran tidak pernah membazirkan masa
Matanya kepenatan kerana kuat membaca
Yang suaranya lesu kerana penat mengaji dan berzikir
Yang tidurnya lena dengan cahaya keimanan
Bangun subuhnya penuh dengan kecerdasan
Kerana sehari lagi usianya bertambah penuh kematangan

Lelaki acuan al-Quran sentiasa mengingati mati
Yang baginya hidup di dunia adalah ladang akhirat
Yang mana buah kehidupan itu perlu dibajai dan dijaga
Meneruskan perjuangan Islam sebelum hari kemudian

Lelaki acuan al-Quran ialah lelaki yang tidak mudah terpesona
Dengan buaian dunia
Kerana dia mengimpikan Syurga
Disitulah rumah impiannya
Bersama wanita acuan al-Quran”

.::Semoga kalian kaum adam berusaha mencapai taraf sebagai lelaki acuan Al-Quran, insyaAllah::.

Sumber: dr pihak lain..