Sunday, November 21, 2010


Assalamualaikum Everyone(^^,)
Kali nie ana nak introduce citer yg ana and adik2 ana tengok time weekend tu. Ana sugguh pun begelar mahasiswa tapi tak salahkan? nak tengok citer budak2 (Mana tak, Anime pun ana memang minat giler (vibe otaku dah keluarrr...hehe(^^,)). Lagipun time to adik2 ana ajak ana sama-sama tengok citer sitcom tu. Little by little gelak jugak ana tengok gelagat-gelagat bebudak sekolah dalam kisah Waktu Rehat. Best giler! Ana paling suka watak Syed dan Wai Chong. Hahaha, bila ana tengok citer nie kan, x pasal ingat2 balik time masa ana masih kat bangku sekolah. Dulu ana one of pengawas sekolah so bila tengok gelagat dia orang memanglah rindu rasa nak balik kat skool, jumpe member2 lama & cikgu2 jugak.

Waktu Rehat (Break Time) is a Disney Channel Asia Original television series that premiered on August 31, 2010. It is based on Disney Channel Italy Original Series, Quelli dell'intervallo. The show follows on a group of Malaysian Middle School students from fictional SMK Jalan Mas (Golden Road National Secondary School) during their Recess. The show focuses light comedic issues such as Teenage Crush, Pranks, Friendship, Family, among few. The series premiered on August 31, 2010 in Disney Channel Asia website & Disney Channel Asia's YouTube channel. The show currently airs every Saturday and Sunday on 12:00 pm.

Sitkom lucu bertajuk Waktu Rehat yang diambil daripada siri global dari Itali, Quelli dell'Intervallo (As the Bell Rings), akan dilakonkan oleh bakat-bakat besar tanah air dengan menggunakan sepenuhnya Bahasa Melayu dan memiliki sentuhan serta citarasa tempatan.

Waktu Rehat merupakan francais global dari Disney yang telah dilancarkan bukan saja di Itali, malahan Sepanyol, Amerika Syarikat, United Kingdom, Australia, Singapura dan China. Berlatar-belakangkan suasana kloridor di Sekolah Menengah Jalan Mas, Waktu Rehat menceritakan ragam cara sekumpulan pelajar ketika waktu rehat.

Disasarkan kepada penonton berusia 8 hingga 14 tahun, sebanyak 16 episod akan diketengahkan sebagai tarikan musim pertama Waktu Rehat yang turut dipermudahkan dengan sari kata dalam Bahasa Inggeris.

The one thing that Ana love about this story is not only it has a cool vibe into it but as you can see Malaysia has it's own unique way to show their thing and the means to get everyone together. Mah, let's just watch the story anyway..(^^,)

Here are the Characters of the story..

The cast of Waktu Rehat

Johan- The main protagonist in the series. He loves to help friends and looks for mischief together with Faiz and Syed. He is Syed's best friend. He is also the school sports captain. And also he is Julie's oldest brother. He is played by Nik Muhd. Farith Adruce.

Syed - The prankster who plays pranks onto his friends. He has a big crush on Amirah. He is Johan's best friend. He is played byMohd. Nazreen Norali.

Luna - A smart and resourceful, and possess a fierce earnestness in helping people. She always wears jilbab or hijab. Her best friend is Amirah. She is played by Tengku Iezahdiyana Nurhanie Tengku Alaudin

Julie - A librarian who likes to read (especially teen fiction and romance), dreams about a prince that looks like Nick Jonas. She is Johan's youngest sister. Her role is potrayed byFarhana Qismina.

Faiz - A mischievous student who loves to dance. He is known as the school street smart shuffler. He can also get whatever you want. His role is played by Addy Ashraf.

Amirah - The most popular girl in school also known as the school belle. Her best friend is Luna. Her role is played by Nurul Elfira Loy.

Kieran - A tomboyish girl who does taekwando. and She wear a Rebellious of girlish clothes and behaviour. She is Mindy's best friend. And also she is female school sport. Her role is played by Sharon Alaina Stephen.

Mindy - The chief writer for the school bulletin. She usually seen with glasses and two pony tail. She is Kieran's best friend. Her role is played by Cindy Alisha.

Anding - Nicknamed as "The Professor". He usually seen wearing his glasses. He is possibly smarter than two grades above him. He is easily pranked by Syed. He has a crush on Luna. His role is played by Amirul Hakim.

Suresh - A student who loves food (except roti canai) and can recognise any type of food in one bite. His role is potrayed by Muhammad Nasiruddin Nasir.

Wai Chong - The prefect who wears glasses and a jacket (represents as the head prefect of the school). He is a really great follower of the school rules and will not let anyone break them. His role is played by Nicholas Cheng.


Tapi kalau nak tau lebih lagi tentang mereka can go to this website,

here are just some of the stuffs i got about them. enjoy(^^,)





Wai Chong

Friday, November 19, 2010

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows

Assalamualaikum everyone(^^,)

Ha, time nie tengah topik hangat kat umah ana tentang aktiviti ape yang nak dilakukan pd waktu cuti nie. Ana and siblings ana ada gak terfikir nak pergi tengok wayang citer Harry Potter yg bebaru nie keluar cinema. Never miss it. Ana memang big fan citer nie semasa dia baru gak keluar dulu. time tu ana baru je umur 11 tahun.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, berdasarkan yang dikarang oleh J. K. Rowling, merupakan filem terakhir dalam filem siri Harry Potter. Filem tersebut akan diedarkan oleh Warner Bros.. Pada Mac 2007, pihak Warner Brothers mengesahkan bahawa pelakon utama, iaitu Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson dan Rupert Grint akan meneruskan lakonan mereka dalam filem ketujuh. Filem yang dipisahkan kepada dua bahagian ini akan diarahkan oleh David Yates yang juga sebelum ini telah mengarah Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix dan Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince. Filem ini akan dibahagi kepada dua bahagian: Dengan bahagian pertama bertajuk Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I dan dijangka akan ditayangkan pada November 2010 dan bahagian kedua dengan tajuk Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II pada Julai 2011.

Kalau nak baca dia punya plot boleh klik kat website nie...

nak citer dari A sampai Z, sampai ke pagi tak habis nanti.(^^,)..the story brings me back alot of memories when ana was still in school. Dulu geng2 ana selalu looking forward utk tengok citer nie bila keluar kat pawagam. let's just say we grew up watching this story sama gak dengan toys story..hehe..

Well hope to see this story soon.(^^,) for you guys who are watching, happy watching(^^)

sedikit demi sedikit...

Assalamualaikum semua(^^,)

Alhamdulillah, dah boleh cuti dah. Lama jugak ana tak update blog nie. Insyaallah in many days to come ana try to update it...Akhirnya, semester utk thn nie pun dah kan, rindu gak dengan geng2 yang lain sbb pas nie belum tentu dapat jumpa. Insyaallah, kalau diizinkan Allah maka akan jumpe jugak dengan mereka pd tahun depan...

Huhu..pejam celik2, dah pun seminggu ana balik rumah. Hmm..nak buat ape ye? time2 macam nie lah ana buntu sbb tak tau ape nak wat. Mak ana ader gak suruh ana cari kerja part time..hehe tp ana belom tentu lagi nak ambik part time job sbb cuti semester nie pun sebulan jer. haish...susah gak ana nak cari kerja nanti sape lah nak jaga adik kat rumah? biar jelah ana dok kat umah jaga adik2 ana. mereka pun masih kecik lagi...takut lah plak nak tinggalkan mereka sbb mak and ayah pun bekerja.

Ana have put in some thoughts tentang ape yg ana nak buat gak sblm cuti nie. Ana nak continue dengan manuscript ana and nak buat artworks baru. nak pegi library, nak tolong kemaskan stor bilik kat atas lagi. harap semua nie dapat abis cepat..(^^,)

tak banyak sangat yg terjadi within the past few weeks tp this weekend ana dan femly dan makcik & pakcik ana nak pergi berkelah kat pantai..hope i can get a few pictures from there and ana pun harap yg cuti kali nie taklah seboring dulu...huhu..till then my dear readers(^^,)


Monday, November 15, 2010


Tahukah kita apa sebenarnya CINTA? Tahukah kita apa sebenarnya RINDU?
Andai kita tahu, Pasti bibir kita tak henti bertasbih...

Cinta yang didamba itulah Pemandu..
Cinta itulah yang menguatkan jiwa khalifah agar setia pada pencipta,
Cinta itulah yang merelakan hati berkorban tanpa balasan..
Cinta itulah yang akur pada ketetapan dan jujur pada perbuatan,
Cinta itu tetap mempesonakan walau dirempuh berjuta dugaan..

Rindu yang menerpa itu Pengajar..
Rindu itulah yang membasahimu dengan tangisan syukur,
Rindu itulah yang meneguhkan janji yang bersimpul,
Rindu itulah yang sentiasa menguji cinta khalifah pada penciptaNya..
Rindu itu tetap menggetarkan hati yang menyintaiNya..
Rindu itulah yang akan terus memuji walau disakiti..

Sources: Dipetik dari pihak Lain...
Assalamualaikum semua(^^,)

disini ana nak ambik kesempatan utk ucap "Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidiladha bg semua muslimin & muslimah...May Allah bless us all & semoga Aidiladha kali ini membawa banyak rahmat & kesyukuran bagi kita semua dan semoga raya ini bawa seribu pengertian n kenangan buat kita. wslm...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Final Examinations + Room cleaning later on...

Assalamualaikum (^^,)

Huhu, lama dah ana tak tulis kt blog nie. Final Examination is still on going and really, hope this year ana can manage to get my scores up again. Last semester was not bad but want to achieve more.

The Finals started last week but my first paper was not on that week but it is scheduled on the second week. I am forever grateful that this semester, i only have two papers for my finals. but then again before this, the common test and quizez was just too much. yeah, i get it, it's what you get as a student. but still it is enjoyable..flipping through the pages of books late at night and at the end of the term, there it is... the feeling of freedom. My last paper is on the third week. (Strange to me that usually in our campus the examination is until the fourth week. I guess they want to "Cuti Cepat-cepat"... hehe) Sounds good to me(^^,)...

Then as usual after the exams are all over, the students will usually go out to the back of the campus( where there are shoplots and restaurants for dinner and gatherings before they go back the next day back to thier homelands.)

One of ana's roommates had a crazy experience once. it was during the second semester and it was after the finals. that night they were having dinner outside. due to the slowness of the waitress plus the service of the restaurant, she and her friends went back late. the gate was already closed at that time so, they had to climb over to get inside. the embarrassing thing was the gate is situated near the male hostel and yep, you know what it's like when they saw it. they all roared with laughter and it was quite and embarrassing moment for ana's friends. Malangnya, she sprained her ankle after she jumped down. Ouch!... that's got to hurt...i was busy with cleaning back at the dorm was shocked to see her condition when she got back. but then again it was fun to hear their stories..(^^,) Now that is something.

Anyways, i know it is late but this is my wish for all UITM students and to all my friends who is sitting for their final examinations this month. I wish you guys good luck and all the best in your exams. May Allah bless us and may all of us achieve good pointers this semester. To all the part 5 students, Wish you guys good luck for your practical next year and all the best...(^^,) Amin...


Good Luck Everyone....Gambatte(^^,)V...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Special For Kaum Hawa

Special For Kaum Hawa

Apabila kamu berkawan dengan lelaki,

ingatlah ada dua pilihan terbentang


kamu jadi seperti KELAPA...

mudah diperoleh..


dan diambil santannya...

lepas itu hampasnya dibuang...


Kamu menjadi sebutir MUTIARA..

berada di dasar lautan...

tersimpan rapi..

dilindungi kulit...

bukan senang nak lihat..

apa lagi mendapatkannya..

hanya orang yang bertuah ...

berusaha menyelami dasar lautan...

dapat memperolehnya..

harganya mahal sekali..

dan ia akan tersimpan selamanya..


kamu pilihlah sama ada hendak menjadi KELAPA ataupun MUTIARA..

di sebalik SANTAN..

menjadi penyedap makanan..

diperah segala kenikmatan..

dengan mudah jatuh menjadi titisan..

akhirnya habis kari dimakan..

pulut panggang sisi habis ditelan..

dan SANTAN hilang tak jadi ingatan..

yang terasa lazat hanya kari dan pulut panggang..

orang tak kenang jasa SANTAN..


tertanam di dasar paling dalam...

sukar andai mengharap jadi perhatian..

kerana MUTIARA dilindungi oleh cengkerang yang menghadangnya dari ancaman musuh..

namun kiranya ditemui insan..

akan menjadi PERMATA HIASAN..

terletak tinggi di cincin idaman..

atau di leher nan jinjang..

atau di lengan menawan..

makin lama MUTIARA tertanam..

makin tinggi nilainya..

oleh itu...

pilihlah sendiri...

menjadi SANTAN..

mudah jadi perhatian..

tapi hanya sebentar jadi santapan...

kemudian hilang segala nikmat dan pujian..

menjadi MUTIARA..

sukar ditemukan..

namun bila dihias indah gadis rupawan..

hilang ia..

tangisan mengiringi zaman..

Sources: Dipetik dari pihak lain

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Muslimah Idaman

wanita..idaman lelaki

yang hatinya disalut taqwa kepada Allah

yang jiwanya penuh penghayatan terhadap Islam

yang sentiasa haus dengan ilmu

yang sentiasa dahaga akan pahala

yang solatnya maruah dirinya

yang tidak pernah takut untuk berkata benar

yang tidak pernah gentar untuk melawan nafsu

yang sentiasa bersama kumpulan orang orang berjuang di jalan Allah

wanita idaman lelaki ialah…

yang menjaga tutur katanya

yang tidak bermegah dengan ilmu yang dimilikinya

yang sentiasa berbuat kebajikan kerana sifatnya yang penyayang

yang mempunyai ramai kawan dan tidak mempunyai musuh yang bersifat jembalang

wanita idaman lelaki ialah…

wanita yang menghormati ibunya

yang sentiasa berbakti kepada kedua orang tuanya dan keluarga

yang bakal menjaga kerukunan rumahtangga

yang akan mendidik suami dan anak-anak mendalami islam

yang mengamalkan hidup penuh sederhana

kerana dunia baginya adalah rumah sementara menuju akhirat

wanita idaman lelaki…

yang sentiasa bersedia untuk menjadi insan

yang hidup dibawah naungan al quran dan mencontohi sahabiyyat…

yang boleh diajak berbincang dan berbicarayang menjaga matanya dari berbelanja

yang sujudnya penuh kesyukuran dengan rahmat Allah keatasnya

wanita idaman lelaki ialah…

yg tidak pernah membazirkan masa

matanya tidak kepenatan kerana penat membaca

suaranya tidak lesu kerana penat mengaji dan berzikir

tidurnya lena dengan cahaya keimanan

bangun subuhnya penuh kecergasan

kerana sehari lagi usianya bertambah penuh kematangan

wanita idaman lelaki…..

sentiasa mengingati mati

yang baginya hidup di dunia adalah ladang akhirat

yang mana buah kehidupan itu perlu dibaja dan dijaga

agar berputik tunas yang bakal menjadi baka yang baik

meneruskan perjuangan Islam sebelum hari kemudian

wanita idaman lelaki…

yang tidak terpesona dengan buaian dunia

kerana dia mengimpikan syurga

di situlah rumah idamannya

dan dia ingin membawaku bersama

dialah wanita idaman lelaki…

Sources: (Pihak Lain)

Allah Knows Best

Allah Knows Best

Bila kau memandang segalanya dari Tuhanmu,

yang menciptakan segalanya,

yang menimpakan ujian,

yang menjadikan sakit hatimu,

yang membuatkan keinginanmu terhalang serta menyusahkan hidupmu,

pasti akan damailah hatimu,

kerana masakan Allah sengaja mentaqdirkan segalanya untuk sesuatu yang sia2.

Bukan Allah tidak tahu,

derita hidupmu,

retaknya hatimu,


mungkin itulah yang Dia mahukan,

kerana Dia tahu,

hati yang sebeginilah selalunya lebih lunak


mudahuntuk akrab

dan dekatdenganNya.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Kasih Sayang

Kasih sayang adalah suatu anugerah,kadang-kadang ianya suatu penantian,kadang-kadang ianya satu penerimaan,mungkin juga suatu ketetapan....

Namun, walau apapun,apabila kamu menyayangi seseorang,sayangilah dengan keikhlasan,luhurkanlah dengan kesetiaan,bukan dengan hawa nafsu yang penuh bayangan,tetapi dengan impian bersandarkan amanat Tuhan...

Sesungguhnya,Allah suka dengan kasih sayang,Dan setiap sesuatu yang dijadikannya,Pasti ada nikmat yang dijanjikan...

Bersabarlah,Seandainya dikau sudah memiliki kasih sayang itu,tetapi belum ketemu perkongsiannya,dan berdoalah kepada Tuhan,kerna mungkin Dia menjanjikan yang lebih baik untukmu...Sesungguhnya setiap ssuatu itu ada hikmah disebaliknya...InsyaAllah...

The New Sultan Of Kelantan

New Sultan

A Sultan With People's Well-Being At Heart

Tuanku Muhammad Faris Petra Ibni Sultan Ismail Petra

KOTA BAHARU, Sept 13 (Bernama) -- Newly-proclaimed Sultan of Kelantan Tuanku Muhammad Faris Petra Ibni Sultan Ismail Petra is described by many as a ruler with the people's well-being at heart.

He has been going around the state, visiting villages and Orang Asli settlements, to be with the people and listen to their problems.

Wearing his trademark robe and "gumbang" Malay attire and "kopiah" (cap), he is unassuming and always at ease as he mingles with the people.

At one time in Pantai Damat, Bachok, Tuanku Muhammad Faris Petra visited an ailing single mother, who relied only on assistance from the Welfare Department.

Sitting cross-legged at the home of Azizah Abdullah, 41, and her three children, Tuanku Muhammad Faris Petra asked her how she was doing, and was deeply touched by the sufferings of the family.

He offered words of encouragement, telling her children that he hoped they would be successful in their education, and handed over his personal contribution.

Tuanku Muhammad Faris Petra, 41, was today proclaimed as the Sultan of Kelantan, succeeding his father Tuanku Ismail Petra Almarhum Sultan Yahya Petra.

The eldest prince of Tuanku Ismail Petra has three siblings, namely Tengku Bendahara Tengku Muhammad Faiz Petra, Tengku Temenggong Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra and Tengku Amalin A'Ishah Putri.

He received his early education in Kota Baharu and Kuala Lumpur and later at the Oakham School, in Rutland, England until 1989 before pursuing his education in diplomatic studies at St Cross College, Oxford, United Kingdom and Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies until 1991.

He was born on Oct 6, 1969 and was made the Crown Prince in October 1985 and the Regent of Kelantan last year.

An avid reader and fan of four-wheel-drive vehicle expedition, horse sports, bowling and archery, he also follows closely the development in and outside the country.

He has been going to the ground, meeting the people, often quietly, away from the glare of the media.

Tuanku Muhammad Faris Petra also involves in many charity organisations and has been appointed the Commander of the 506 Territorial Army Regiment with a rank of Brigadier General (Honorary).

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Di sini ana nak mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri buat semua kaum muslimin & musliman. Semoga Raya tahun ini diberkati oleh Allah SWT. For those yg balik kampung @ mula dah nak balik ke bandar, hati2 ye, stop kejap kalau mengantuk tu. May all of you have a splendid raya(^^,)V...Wslm...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010



Suatu hari Allah SWT memerintahkan malaikat Jibri AS untuk pergi menemui salah satu makhluk-Nya yaitu kerbau dan menanyakan pada si kerbau apakah dia senang telah diciptakan Allah SWT sebagai seekor kerbau. Malaikat Jibril AS segera pergi menemui si Kerbau.

Di siang yang panas itu si kerbau sedang berendam di sungai. Malaikat Jibril AS mendatanginya kemudian mulai bertanya kepada si kerbau, "hai kerbau apakah kamu senang telah dijadikan oleh Allah SWT sebagai seekor kerbau". Si kerbau menjawab, "Masya Allah, alhamdulillah, aku bersyukur kepada Allah SWT yang telah menjadikan aku sebagai seekor kerbau, dari pada aku dijadikan-Nya sebagai seekor kelelawar yang ia mandi dengan kencingnya sendiri". Mendengar jawaban itu Malaikat Jibril AS segera pergi menemui seekor kelelawar.

Malaikat Jibril AS mendatanginya seekor kelelawar yang siang itu sedang tidur bergantungan di dalam sebuah goa. Kemudian mulai bertanya kepada si kelelawar, "hai kelelawar apakah kamu senang telah dijadikan oleh Allah SWT sebagai seekor kelelawar". "Masya Allah, alhamdulillah, aku bersyukur kepada Allah SWT yang telah menjadikan aku sebagai seekor kelelawar dari pada aku dijadikan-Nya seekor cacing. Tubuhnya kecil, tinggal di dalam tanah, berjalannya saja menggunakan perutnya", jawab si kelelawar. Mendengar jawaban itu pun Malaikat Jibril AS segera pergi menemui seekor cacing yang sedang merayap di atas tanah.

Malaikat Jibril AS bertanya kepada si cacing, "Wahai cacing kecil apakah kamu senang telah dijadikan Allah SWT sebagai seekor cacing". Si cacing menjawab, " Masya Allah, alhamdulillah, aku bersyukur kepada Allah SWT yang telah menjadikan aku sebagai seekor cacing, dari pada dijadikaan-Nya aku sebagai seorang manusia. Apabila mereka tidak memiliki iman yang sempurna dan tidak beramal sholih ketika mereka mati mereka akan disiksa selama-lamanya".

Nie just utk sharing2 for all, i got this from a friend of mine in FB. Renung2 kan & selamat beramal..wslm...

Sources: by Cik Acah Hns on Monday, August 30, 2010 at 9:38am | Discover the Beauty of Islam | Discover the Beauty of Islam

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The beauty of Surah Al-fatihah..(^^,)

Assalamualaikum & peace be upon you...

here is a little sharing from me to you...(^^,)

Surah Al-Fatihah:

when the servant says: ‘Al-Hamdulillaahi Rabb-il-‘Alameen’,

Allaah says: ‘My servant has praised Me.’

when he says: ‘Ar-Rahmaan-ir-Raheem’,
Allaah says: ‘My servant has extolled Me.’

when he says: ‘Maaliki-yawm-id-Deen’,
Allaah says: ‘My servant has honored Me.’
when he says: ‘Iyyaaka Na’bdu wa Iyyaaka Nasta’een’,

Allaah says: ‘This is between Me and My servant and My servant will have what he asks for.’
when he says: ‘Ihdinaas-Siraat-al-Mustaqeem. Siraat-aladheena an’amta ‘alaihim. Ghairil-Maghdoobi ‘alaihim wa lad-Daalleen’,

Allaah says: ‘This is for My servant and for My servant will be what he asks for.’”

[Reported by Muslim]

So dear friends, i hope whenever you recite the surah don't do say it too fast or too slow but just right. (^^,)V...syukran...

Putting in some thoughts...(-__-)...

Assalamualaikum & peace be upon you...

Recently, i came across something that is rather sad and it does make me feel upset. But just to share to the person concern, all that i can advise you is...

Do not choose people...(-_-) Instead befriend them and then observe their character. If it is well there is no need to say much but if its not well then step by step, teach them the good ways...Insyaallah, their hearts can slowly be soften afterward.Some people even when we try to teach them the good way but they just never listen and it just a waste of time. Now there is a challenge! it is a task for us and to see whether we give up easily or not. that is why we must never give up on taking that risks and to move forward for a better future.

It is sad for me to see that not many people really understand...

Friday, July 30, 2010

AGM JULY 2010 (OM114)

And here are the headlines..(^^,)

UITMCS, Dewan Kuliah 1 - On Friday the 23rd, the om114 faculty held the long awaited Annual Gathering Meeting. Not much to say here but I’ll try to whip things up a little. So here it goes …

The program was opened by the welcoming speech from the OMSAR council members and then followed by the Head of the Program’s speech. (O_O)Happy for me to say here that OM221 is officially open here in UiTMCS ...Yay!! Finally, (>.<,). Hehe, no need to go far but I still think that it is better to study further because you’ll gain more knowledge. Bak kata perman orang Melayu “Jauh perjalanan, luaslah permandangan.”

What included in the speech was introduction to the part one students as well as the juniors and seniors about OM114. The Degree program is no exceptions. Hmm…Kind of interesting. It did make me think of pursuing degree in Office Management once more, but I’ll think about it later when I’m done doing my diploma. Mdm. Amelia, our head of program talked about the rules and the previous results. Good there are a lot of Dean’s Lists this year. I hope in the future we can have more of it. What really keeps me hanging was there were so many repeaters especially for the subjects that involves analytical thinking such as Math, Economics, OB, and ( no need to ask) Accountancy.

After that, the moment that everyone have been waiting for, the intro of the freshies’ or better known as the part one students. Our part one this semester is about 102 (O_O) that is more twice the number since June-Dec 2009 intake. When I was still part one, the range was only 80 students. I guess the University wants to upgrade the academic strength…Hmm…maybe. Anyway, to the entire little ones Athirah Onee san, welcome you guys to UiTMCS and have a great life. May God bless you & Study smart okay (^^,)V Gambatte ne!!

here are some of the pictures that i took (Sorry if the pictures are not clear enough...Urgh..i really need to change my phone ..=.=...)

The Speech OMSAR Council OM 114 Randomness

I hope this year the OMSAR Team can whip up a good activity for the faculty because our course hardly has any fun activity last semester. I hope there will be some Family day event or maybe intercourse challenge from other faculties and some field trip too. Let’s just hope that it is how to say, “Diluluskan dengan jayanya”… [Following the HEP letter mode (^^,)]…from the Hal Ehwal Pelajar because they can be a little bit picky when it comes to choose a relevant activity.

Zyrah & Iznie Shafikha Geng Bas Sekolah

(^^,) Tradition in OM faculty that the part 2 students wear the Sarong and kain pelekat for every AGM

Seniors & Juniors My friend Sarina & sister Adibah Part 1's Introduction

Part 1's Intro 2 Randomness OM114 seniors

The part 4 students will be having a dinner event this semester. I wonder if they can pull it off this year considering the number of students are small & (not many of them are in good terms with each other). Hope they can make it this semester and may everything is OK for my friends in there who had to end up with a bunch of Hillbillies.

Anyway, Good luck to all the part 5 students who will be going to their inside pratical training starting next week, I love you guys!!! Sad can’t be with you at that time. Good luck also for the OM221 degree students as well and welcome back (^.^)V…

I hope that this semester is a good one and a start of a new experience..Amin..(-.-,)