Monday, March 12, 2012

Last Day of Semester

Assalmu'Alaikum & Good Day everyone...(^_^)!!!!

Masya'ALLAH......after i look back at last post how long has it been since i've written any post in this blog. Now, after a long hiatus, I'm back!!!\(>.<,)/...I've been very(too busy) actually until i haven't got any time to update my blog. Well actually i want to make it a better one for this semester and that is why i can't update my blog. The past two months have been such a hectic month for me especially when i focused more on my studies.

The month of March is here and it is Exam month. Since it is the study week and class plus assignments have all ended, i can finally focus a little on this blog. Don't get me wrong, but i'll be posting a lot after my examination is over which will be after the 22nd of March later. bvy then I'M FREEEEE!!!

Of course, i'll be missing the class and lecturers but i'm probably going to miss group assignments least of all. Exam is near and  i have to be very,  I mean very careful. the last four subjects that i am currently taking is going to determine if or not i can go for practical for the next semester. May ALLAH give His blessings to us in our work. I'm quite nervous about this matter but Insya'ALLAH, I believe that things will go well in the end...:)Amin...

Here are a few pictures that shows what happened during this two monhts. I'll let the pictuers do all the talking from here...:) till then dear readers. Wasalamu'Alaikum...

This picture was taken by using the camera of my lecturer(^_^)..
this was on the last day of  ETR class

 The road..I was on my way for my Usrah at the Masjid inside my campus...
Moga Ukhuwah kami sentiasa berkekalan biarpun kami tiada bersama...:)

 This CD is a part of my assignment which was given since the first day of class. (HTML)
This is the finished one and Masya'ALLAH, it took a while for me to set the all coding right but the work paid off

This subject actually does not have a final exam for the juniors that is using the new code but for me and two other students, we are still using the old one (or so we thought, even for my lecturer). So, i only have to sit for the final exam but not for its common test. 

Just as things were going into a good phase, I recieve a message from my friend telling me that i have to come for the common test because the there is no final exam for this paper and i have to sit for the common test just like everyone else. I dont mind sitting for the exam but what i mind was...

I RECEIVED THE MESSAGE IN THE EVENING AND THE TEST IS AT NIGHT ON THE NEXT DAY!!!!...((((O______O))))...Ya Allah, what am i suppose to do? i have another test in the morning and it is more important than this one. its Economics!!. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. Then, i prayed to Allah that may all things goes well. the only thing for me to do was to do all the past year questions. I did it all in a day. Alhamdulillah, i managed to answer all the questions in the test. I am truly content to Allah for everything..:)

This picture was taken on the last day of economic class. We recently had our quiz before that. Our lecturer told us to study hard for the upcoming final exam and good luck to everyone..(^_^) we will miss u madam.

This one over here is actually sambal goreng that my grandfather makes. Between you and me, I had to accept that his sambal goreng tasted better than any of the women of the house makes....and that includes me. The recipe happens to be passed down from my great grandparents and before that. Wow! it taste absolutely delicious!! XD...the recipe happens to be top secret.. he even wouldn't tell me...urrgh..\(>.<)/