Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rahmat Illahi...=)

Assalamualaikum & a very good day to everyone(^^,)

Alhamdulillah, Syukur x terhingga dah ana skarang nih...Sememangnya kejayaan milik Allah selamanya & tanpa keredhaan-Nya sebarang kejayaan tiada makna langsung....

Result exam bagi bebudak UiTM keluar hari nie. Alhamdulillah, Ana pass!! sebelum nie asyik down je..dengan rahmat dari Allah juga ana dapat meraih kejayaan ini. Terima Kasih Ya Allah...=) Dengan kejayaan ini ana akan ambik langkah berhati2 jugak. X semestinya kejayaan itu kekal selamaya..there will be the ups and downs...Ana ambik semuanya sebagai pengajaran for me to go to a higher level. Insya'Allah, by the middle of next year i can finally graduate..wallahualam, Insya'Allah...;)

Akak ana, haish...pening kepala dibuatnya. oleh kerana dier x buat SUFO ( evaluation for lecturers ) dier punye result terpaksa wait for 24 hours. esok baru dapat. Alhamdulillah & congratulations buat kawan2 ana yang berjaya dpt dekan & pass exam dier org sem nie. Alhamdulillah mereka pun dah bergelar graduan(^^,)...Insya'Allah nanti giliran ana pulak akan pakai square hat tu..hehe..memang impian pon.

There's still a lot for me to learn and do. Ana nak habiskan diploma secepat yang mungkin but i will take things one by one...mksdnyer i can learn a lot of things but slow and steady...no rush. bak kata pak cik ana, don't let yourself live for the world but let the world live for you...(macam tu gak bunyinyer...) Seeking knowledge is never an easy job or tasks. but it can be achieved if one is discipline with one self & toward his/her Creator. Belajar kerana Allah, bukan belajar untuk mendapat dunia... kalau belajar untuk akhirat, insya'Allah dunia akan mengikuti anda..=)

My task right now is to finish my diploma and move on to a higher level. When i see my result today i immediately knew i had study with the wrong lecturer. different tutors have different style of teaching but what's the difference if you cannot make the students understand? The reason why many students fail is not because they don't study, but the do not understand what they are studying....one of the lecturers in my university once said to me that if you are a university student you don't read notes but books. From here i understood what he had meant. Reading is a powerful tool..without it we can never understand anything. The thing is, not all teachers have that essence to spread good teachings. They also have to accept that not all students are sharp thinkers...they needed to put extra attention(effort). Both teachers & students need to work side by side so that good results can be achieved. Try to do exercise and interesting educational games to make them understand such as word puzzle, scrabble..ect. by all means, students also need to 'PAY ATTENTION' to the details especially...and then respect your teachers for they gave you the knowledge. without their blessing, you can NEVER achieve greatness. Teachers also need to understand their students behavior as well as respect them. being firm, yes but gentle at heart. pros and contra is always there. its up to the human itself to think which is good and which one is bad. if good accept it but if it is a bad one avoid it...(-.-,)

well, i have to go for now..till then..(^^,)

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