Friday, July 30, 2010

AGM JULY 2010 (OM114)

And here are the headlines..(^^,)

UITMCS, Dewan Kuliah 1 - On Friday the 23rd, the om114 faculty held the long awaited Annual Gathering Meeting. Not much to say here but I’ll try to whip things up a little. So here it goes …

The program was opened by the welcoming speech from the OMSAR council members and then followed by the Head of the Program’s speech. (O_O)Happy for me to say here that OM221 is officially open here in UiTMCS ...Yay!! Finally, (>.<,). Hehe, no need to go far but I still think that it is better to study further because you’ll gain more knowledge. Bak kata perman orang Melayu “Jauh perjalanan, luaslah permandangan.”

What included in the speech was introduction to the part one students as well as the juniors and seniors about OM114. The Degree program is no exceptions. Hmm…Kind of interesting. It did make me think of pursuing degree in Office Management once more, but I’ll think about it later when I’m done doing my diploma. Mdm. Amelia, our head of program talked about the rules and the previous results. Good there are a lot of Dean’s Lists this year. I hope in the future we can have more of it. What really keeps me hanging was there were so many repeaters especially for the subjects that involves analytical thinking such as Math, Economics, OB, and ( no need to ask) Accountancy.

After that, the moment that everyone have been waiting for, the intro of the freshies’ or better known as the part one students. Our part one this semester is about 102 (O_O) that is more twice the number since June-Dec 2009 intake. When I was still part one, the range was only 80 students. I guess the University wants to upgrade the academic strength…Hmm…maybe. Anyway, to the entire little ones Athirah Onee san, welcome you guys to UiTMCS and have a great life. May God bless you & Study smart okay (^^,)V Gambatte ne!!

here are some of the pictures that i took (Sorry if the pictures are not clear enough...Urgh..i really need to change my phone ..=.=...)

The Speech OMSAR Council OM 114 Randomness

I hope this year the OMSAR Team can whip up a good activity for the faculty because our course hardly has any fun activity last semester. I hope there will be some Family day event or maybe intercourse challenge from other faculties and some field trip too. Let’s just hope that it is how to say, “Diluluskan dengan jayanya”… [Following the HEP letter mode (^^,)]…from the Hal Ehwal Pelajar because they can be a little bit picky when it comes to choose a relevant activity.

Zyrah & Iznie Shafikha Geng Bas Sekolah

(^^,) Tradition in OM faculty that the part 2 students wear the Sarong and kain pelekat for every AGM

Seniors & Juniors My friend Sarina & sister Adibah Part 1's Introduction

Part 1's Intro 2 Randomness OM114 seniors

The part 4 students will be having a dinner event this semester. I wonder if they can pull it off this year considering the number of students are small & (not many of them are in good terms with each other). Hope they can make it this semester and may everything is OK for my friends in there who had to end up with a bunch of Hillbillies.

Anyway, Good luck to all the part 5 students who will be going to their inside pratical training starting next week, I love you guys!!! Sad can’t be with you at that time. Good luck also for the OM221 degree students as well and welcome back (^.^)V…

I hope that this semester is a good one and a start of a new experience..Amin..(-.-,)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ustazah pernah berkata...('',)...

Ustzh prnh kata, terimalah seseorang dengan seadanya, baik @ tidak ia boleh diubah dengan bimbingan seseorang itu. Jika baik tunjuk ajarnya maka akan jadi baik mereka & jika buruk maka buruklah sifatnya. Jaganlah kita hindarkan @ jauhkan mereka dr masyarakat kerana sesungguhnya kita mengeratkan silaturrahim sesama insan & Allah S.W.T suka akan kedamaian. Dengan menerima insan itu dengan seadanya kita dapat juga lihat nikmatnya. Mungkin bukan sekarang tetapi pada masa akan datang, insyaallah. Manusia yang suka akan kedamaian akan dirahmati oleh Allah S.W.T. janganlah kita memusuhi, memfitnah, memburukan nama @ peribadi seseorang itu kerana ia akan membawa diri ke lembah dosa. Ana tengok banyak golongan masyarakat kita sekarang ada terselit peragai mcm nie kt dlm diri mereka. Semoga kita dilindungi dari sifat sebegini...Amin.


Terasa begitu kerdil sekali jika dilihat dengan mata hati. Insyaalah, dengan doa, kesabaran & b'tawakal kepadaNya akan tercapai juga suatu hari nanti.. Bila dilihat akan perbezaannya ia amatlah ketara & begitu tinggi sekali, bagai langit dan bumi...Biarlah pintu itu ditutup buat sementara waktu bagi memberi peluang untuk sebuah pintu kejayaan yang bakal terbuka luas...(-.-)Allahuakbar...

Still the same but less..

Hehe, ana is still new with blogging. Don't know what to post but in times to come there may be plenty. it has been a while since i gave up writing. Baru je awal thn nie nak berkecimpung balik dlm menulis.

Al-kisah semester baru...

Ana's campus is a place filled with things to explore but at the same time nothing hardly happens there, (which is a good thing) finally can have a piece and quiet (or so i think) first start of term..hmm..byk gak yg berlaku, masalah course registration lah, ini lah itu lah, but in the end everything work out just fine. for starters i'm getting a hang of it. haha (^_^) enough blabbing..=>
Akhirnya pengaturan jadual kelas pun selesai. YEAH!! Alhamdulillah, hehe bg ana itu sebahagiannya dr doa ana & kiranya termakbul gak yg sem nie x da kelas pagi tp kelas pkl 10:00 ada. I'm content in every way(-.-,)..
Sem nie byk yg baru. Kisah bilik lain cerita, Kisah di kelas lain lah pulak. Oleh kerana masalah teknikal @ lebih kurang masalah communication! terpaksan ana tukar ke bilik lain. tp syukur gak ada bilik. kecian ana tengok kwn2 ana @ junior2 yg lain yg terpaksa tinggal kat luar. ada yg jadi illegal(O_O) Oppss!!...hehe bukan masuk haram tp menumpang. Itupun byk kat kolej yg satu lagi.
Sem nie ana nak study smart (not hard) utk dpt kptsn bagus. apa2 pun ana berserah kepada Yang Illahi kerana kala tdk keranaya ana x mungkin berjaya..Alhamdulillah. Ana kira bersyukur jugak yg sem nie x byk kelas. So, x da alasan x pat siapkan assignment. Kalau mcm tu baik buat kt kelas je...(T_T) malas nak buat kat bilik b'coz, bilik tmpt berehat & ulangkaji. lepas nie gerenti byk lagi perkara yg bakal menanti. Ana hrp agar segalanya baik, amin...(-.-,)
tu je yg dpt ana coretkan buat masa nie..hehe sori kalau cerita yg lain pulak..hehe. Its my way of writing.
Till then...Wslm...(^_^)V...