Monday, February 21, 2011

Let the voting begins!

Assalamualaikum dear readers(^^,)

Kayfa haluka?
Me? Ana bi khayr wa alhamdulillah..(^^,)

(a little revision, while writing this, i happen to just finish arabic language class)

Today is the voting day for UiTMCS's new Student Body Council. As much as i like to vote but i think i'll pass on this one. there are eighteen faculties all in a count. The question is, Who will be the next in line to the seat? As i can see all candidates are working hard for this. My hope and prayers for them is Minna san! Gambatte ne!

All students are compulsary to vote and more over, the part four students since the candidate chosen is much from their batch. My faculty is no exception...this year, they have chosen three candidates in which one student is to vote for only two out of three. then two candidates will be brought up to he board and thus serve the University. Hope all goes well.

well, that is all for now. i'll let you guys know soon when the results are out.

OM has sent three girls to make it to the council and they are:

Lorenna Junaidi
Immah Ibrahim
Masyitah Sarip

From the past events and also experience i've been concerning these three, so far they are the best that i've seen. They are quite the best students (although, some of them can sometimes be a pain in the head).

I know they can make it and i trust they can do well. Being chosen to represent your faculty is a big responsibiliy but they can also mean a chance. What i'm trying to say is a chance to prove one's self and see how far can i go from here? If one task is given to you, never think that it is a burden. to me, i imagine that i am in a jungle, but this jungle is no ordinary jungle. it's a jungle filled with all sorts of things and problem that one cannot imagine to encounter. The task is simple, make your way out of it. What are you going to do? what are you going to use to get out? that my dear friends, lies within you and only you alone can think of the best way to get out of there. With all the things you learn and the knowlege you have, who knows? you might found the exit.. a creative person can make a difference in his or her and other peoples' lives...i like to think of it that way...hehe, sorry if get a little too imaginaitive..(^^,) Correct me if i'm wrong....

Anyways, best of luck girls, and may you bring us many good fortune this year. I wish all the success from you as well...Minna san, Gambatte!!!!....XD

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tanjoubi Omedetto...

Twelve years ago, i still's still clear in my mind....
our elementary class teacher placed me to sit beside you. Allah works in very unique ways...
I thank Allah S.W.T very much forletting me to meet you. Without His will, we would have never met or knew each other... you and i by then might be strangers...

From the moment you sat next to me, Allah has made plans for both of our lives...
Recalling the funny times makes me happy... and sad at the same time....
Believe it... or not, our story is like a twisted fate...but the memories are there alright...i felt like i'm watching a korean drama of Autumn in my heart, but only in reality...(-.-,)
All these years you never fail to make me happy...but now, all you do is always making me feel insecure of myself...
It's okay...i'm never angry with you. In fact, i thank you very much...without it i will never knew the true meaning of loneliness, friendship, to be thankful as well as appreciating all those around me..I never want anything from you continue to be your friend.

I never take matters at heart even if you always made me cry. i had always forgive you... I never hated you, though, i do hope you be very cautious towards the feelings of people you interact with at times. It makes me worry that Allah might be angry towards you...Thank you for the memories you gave me. it means a lot to me.

So, on this special day, i want to wish you a very "Happy Birthday" and May Allah bless you and your family. May you also have a prosperous future ahead and have a happy life. dear friend, i wish you forever happiness in this world and the hereafter...amin..(-.-,)...

I have nothing else to give you but only my prayers. Here is a little something from me to you. I hope you enjoy it as much as i did...there's so many things that i wanted to tell you...If, my time has come before you, i bid you farewell. Insya'Allah, i hope we can meet inside Allah's that time, i hope i can see your smile again...

If it's me that is at fault, I hope you forgive me. i still hope we can be friends and believe me, never in my mind i meant to hurt you or anything...if that is not the case.. i'm also sorry that i am not the kind of person you want me to be....humans tend to make a lot of mistakes and so do i. nobody's perfect...anyways, enjoy this present from me dear friend(^^,) hope i make your day a brighter one...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Titipan Buat Wanita...

"Sebaik-baik wanita ialah yang tidak memandang dan tidak dipandang oleh lelaki"

Aku tidak ingin dipandang cantik oleh lelaki. Biarlah aku hanya cantik di matamu. Apa gunanya aku menjadi perhatian lelaki andai murka Allah ada di situ.

Apalah gunanya aku menjadi idaman banyak lelaki sedangkan aku hanya bisa menjadi milikmu seorang.

Aku tidak merasa bangga menjadi rebutan lelaki bahkan aku merasa terhina diperlakukan sebegitu seolah-olah aku ini barang yang bisa dimiliki sesuka hati.

Aku juga tidak mau menjadi penyebab kejatuhan seorang lelaki yang dikecewakan lantaran terlalu mengharapkan sesuatu yang tidak dapat aku berikan.

Bagaimana akan kujawab di hadapan Allah kelak andai ditanya? Adakah itu sumbanganku kepada manusia selama hidup di muka bumi?

Kalau aku tidak ingin kau memandang perempuan lain, aku dululah yang perlu menundukkan pandanganku. Aku harus memperbaiki dan menghias peribadiku karena itulah yang dituntut oleh Allah.

Kalau aku ingin lelaki yang baik menjadi suamiku, aku juga perlu menjadi perempuan yang baik. Bukankah Allah telah menjanjikan perempuan yang baik itu untuk lelaki yang baik?

Tidak kunafikan sebagai remaja, aku memiliki perasaan untuk menyayangi dan disayangi. Namun setiap kali perasaan itu datang, setiap kali itulah aku mengingatkan diriku bahwa aku perlu menjaga perasaan itu karena ia semata-mata untukmu.

Allah telah memuliakan seorang lelaki yang bakal menjadi suamiku untuk menerima hati dan perasaanku yang suci. Bukan hati yang menjadi labuhan lelaki lain. Engkau berhak mendapat kasih yang tulen.

Diriku yang memang lemah ini telah diuji oleh Allah saat seorang lelaki ingin berkenalan denganku. Aku dengan tegas menolak, berbagai macam dalil aku kemukakan, tetapi dia tetap tidak berputus asa.

Aku merasa seolah-olah kehidupanku yang tenang ini telah dirampas dariku. Aku bertanya-tanya adakah aku berada di tebing kebinasaan? Aku beristigfar memohon ampunan-Nya. Aku juga berdoa agar Pemilik Segala Rasa Cinta melindungi diriku dari kejahatan.

Kehadirannya membuatku banyak memikirkan tentang dirimu. Kau kurasakan seolah-olah wujud bersamaku.

Di mana saja aku berada, akal sadarku membuat perhitungan denganmu. Aku tahu lelaki yang menggodaku itu bukan dirimu. Malah aku yakin pada gerak hatiku yang mengatakan lelaki itu bukan teman hidupku kelak.

Aku bukanlah seorang gadis yang cerewet dalam memilih pasangan hidup. Siapalah diriku untuk memilih permata sedangkan aku hanyalah sebutir pasir yang wujud di mana-mana.

Tetapi aku juga punya keinginan seperti wanita yang lain, dilamar lelaki yang bakal memimpinku ke arah tujuan yang satu.

Tidak perlu kau memiliki wajah setampan Nabi Yusuf Alaihisalam, juga harta seluas perbendaharaan Nabi Sulaiman Alaihisalam, atau kekuasaan seluas kerajaan Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam, yang mampu mendebarkan hati jutaan gadis untuk membuat aku terpikat.

Andainya kaulah jodohku yang tertulis di Lauh Mahfuz, Allah pasti akan menanamkan rasa kasih dalam hatiku juga hatimu. Itu janji Allah.

Akan tetapi, selagi kita tidak diikat dengan ikatan yang sah, selagi itu jangan dibazirkan perasaan itu karena kita masih tidak mempunyai hak untuk membuat begitu.

Juga jangan melampaui batas yang telah Allah tetapkan. Aku takut perbuatan-perbuatan seperti itu akan memberi kesan yang tidak baik dalam kehidupan kita kelak.

Permintaanku tidak banyak. Cukuplah engkau menyerahkan seluruh dirimu pada mencari redha Illahi.

Aku akan merasa amat bernilai andai dapat menjadi tiang penyangga ataupun sandaran perjuanganmu.

Bahkan aku amat bersyukur pada Illahi kiranya akulah yang ditakdirkan meniup semangat juangmu, mengulurkan tanganku untukmu berpaut sewaktu rebah atau tersungkur di medan yang dijanjikan Allah dengan kemenangan atau syahid itu.

Akan kukeringkan darah dari lukamu dengan tanganku sendiri. Itu impianku. Aku pasti berendam airmata darah, andainya engkau menyerahkan seluruh cintamu kepadaku.

Cukuplah kau mencintai Allah dengan sepenuh hatimu karena dengan mencintai Allah, kau akan mencintaiku karena-Nya. Cinta itu lebih abadi daripada cinta biasa. Moga cinta itu juga yang akan mempertemukan kita kembali di syurga.

Seorang gadis yang membiarkan dirinya dikerumuni, didekati, diakrabi oleh lelaki yang bukan muhrimnya, cukuplah dengan itu hilang harga dirinya di hadapan Allah. Di hadapan Allah. Di hadapan Allah.

Yang dicari walau bukan putera raja, biarlah putera Agama.
Yang diimpi, biarlah tak punya rupa, asal sedap dipandang mata.
Yang dinilai, bukan sempurna sifat jasmani, asalkan sihat rohani dan hati.
Yang diharap, bukan jihad pada semangat, asal perjuangannya ada matlamat.
Yang datang, tak perlu rijal yang gemilang, kerana diri ini serikandi dengan silam yang kelam.
Yang dinanti, bukan lamaran dengan permata, cukuplah akad dan janji setia.
Dan yg akan terjadi, andai tak sama dgn kehendak hati, insyaAllah ku redha ketetapan Illahi..

Wahai wanita, ku ingatkan diriku dan dirimu, peliharalah diri dan jagalah kesucian.. semoga redha Allah akan sentiasa mengiringi dan memberkati perjalanan hidup ini.

Dipetik dari Artikel

Editor: mawaryangtinggi

Friday, February 11, 2011

February randomness

Assalmualaikum dear readers(^.^)...

A new month is here. things are as usual but there are some few madness. Firstly i would like to say my congratulations to the students who are elected as the new members for the OMSAR team. We are counting on you and let's work towards success. May Allah bless each and every one of you and may your team lead us well...

The AGM this year was not too hectic as much as last semester though i must say that there were a few people whom just cant resist their mouth to usual whenever the introduction of the part one students...ha, nak mengorat la tu... My fellow friends who had gone to practical came to the AGM. WAAAAAA...i miss you guys soooooo much..(>.<) was fun seeing them again. we had a long talk and yeah their stories about practical training was far more than i imagine. more on that later. though there were some trivial matters arouse that night regarding skimpy people. if they have problems, don't, i repeat, don't bring it into class. please, be professional. after class then you can brag all about it.

Dealing with backstabbers is much more harder than trying to bake cream puffs that wouldn't rise...(Literaly). The thing is i cant help but imagine the life that person had to go through with the whisperes and looks from others. why can't they all just get along and forget about the trivials they have? i'm sure if both parties talk and face each other in a good way all things can be achieved properly. My advice, go see a doctor or councellor....if that does not help, pray to Allah to lead you back to the right path...

My OE? The measuring of the uniform for our team is done and now we only need to focus on the theme, venue and my task, the speaker. hope by next week we can get on speaker for our event. Other than that, Masya'Allah. Allah knows what goes around in everyone's hearts. i sensed an unpleasant feeling inside the team. if i were to be brought down, SORRY!, mada mada daze....
As i post this, i do wish that things after this will turn out well for me and not only that but on other things as well.

My sister had pranked me this week and Astagrfirullah! it was an embarrasing one...i dare not to open my FB accout this week as it was quite a humorous event. dont want to talk about it much...aaaarrrrggghhh! one of these days....patience ana, patience....huhuhuhuhuuu...(~_~)well, that's all i can write about today....Have a nice weekend everyone(^^)V.....