Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It's A Practical Life...=)

Assalamu'alaikum & Good Day Dear readers (^_^)....

Fuu~~~ lega dapat update. Sorry for not updating lately. The semester have just started and i am now proudly to say that i am permanently going for practical training! Alhamdulillah. Syukur sangat-sangat. I am working back at the old organization where i once applied for practical training. Sadly, i am not under the supervision of my old boss but now under a new boss and a new section. the last time i was there i was placed on level two but now i am placed in level one.

The work and all? Yup it's hard but from time to time, I've got a hang of it. I do have to say that i do miss my old compartment and a lot has changed since i'm not there. I have tons of work to do and many information to key in the computer. Let's just hope that it's not getting harder by the weeks.

The first day is always the hardest. I don't doubt that completely. It was a disaster and i don't blame anyone but myself. Inside the letter, i was placed in another sub headquarters. So, i went there to report myself and to my horror, they told me to go to the main office. Masha'Allah, the main office is not near! I don't know how to drive nor do i have anyone to drive me there besides my mother.

the time was already pass eight o'clock. I was clearly very late. To add to my nervous and dismay, i did not have enough credits to call my mother. I went to the nearby polyclinic to ask whether if there is a telephone booth at their place. The nurse kindly point out the way. when i arrive i took out my purse for a spare change. In a big city lonely and unsure, i am only left with thirty cent. I tried to calm myself down when my mom did not pick up the phone. it turns out that she left it in the care while she goes shopping for vegetables.

I arrive at the main headquarters an hour after that. Geez! (-_______________-''') Don't wan to go to that part anymore. The HR boss nearly laugh as she saw my condition. All she can say is let it be a lesson to all. She wished me good luck and welcome to the office. I was then introduced to my new supervisor and place under the legal and repayment section.

As usual, I'll let the pictures tell the story..enjoy :D

Start of work. Must finish la...

The coldness of the air conditioner was so strong that i felt my hands went numb as i tap on the keyboard
Alhamdulillah! I'm on level two now (^_^)!! the small piece on the folder is a pin that i won

Mr. Zero plushie! My sister won him during our ESQ training

Two senior practical students. (kakak Barbara & kakak Aizah). Kak Aizah is in the same department as me. I Learned a lot from them.They are both in the same university but different course as i am. they are both degree students. Wishing them Good Luck for their upcoming exams next month. =D

Office's Annual Dinner. We Practical Students got invited ;) The ones in front are my colleagues. One is in the same department as i am and the other belongs to the Education department

On the next day we have Family day. Nice! :D
There's a story behind these two events. Before the family day event, our company had an annual dinner. Me and my clumsiness. My instinct tells me not to use high heels and turns out i was right. But my mother insisted me on wearing one because its a dinner party. Due to that, i fell or more to say slide down the staircase that night. OUCH!! A fellow colleague help me to get on my feet back. That is one of the most embarrassing moments i have ever experience during my whole lifetime. I think i'm going to stop wearing heels for a while...(=__=''). Family day event was held on the next day. Due to the pain, i woke up late. i had a hard time sleeping. My leg was starting to hurt a little but i had to attend the family day event. The event started at 7:30 but i came at 8:30. One hour late. but thank God no one notice except my boss and my colleague from our department. (=___=) tet..... Just my day...

Cooking Contest is also well on the go (^_^). There was an opening at first and i was selected by my boss to enter but i came late plus, i don't bring any equipment. Everyone's cooking was awsome! (O.O,)

Kak Aiza & her little friend and a hyper one at that

Football but with added touch. hehe..

Aww, Cute (>.<,)!!! We played with her along the way. Her father is one of the participants that won the cooking competition. He got second place.

Well, that's just about everything. In Sha Allah, i'll update more on what's going on. I hardly have time to continue to write my manuscript due to practical training. But all in all, things have been a little stress but smooth sailing. Moga semua urusan selepas ini akan dipermudahkanNya.. Amin. =)

Till then dear readers! Wasalamualaikum....
P/S: The food & drinks during  family day were pretty delicious ;D

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Semester Holidays..

Assalamu'Alaikum & Good Day everyone (-.-,)...

Last week have been a busy one indeed its the 100th day since my late grandmother's death. My uncle from miri arrive a few days before and so everyone is busy with the work to prepare untuk makan 100 arwah....
My little sister said to me that she still cannot accept the fact that my late grandmother died. To her she was always a strong woman & always been there for us. I also cannot accept that fact but i tired my best to keep her memories alive. She was a wonderful person to all of us and will always remain in our hearts forever. Al-Fatihah...

Anyways, last week as well, i receive a phone call from my lecturer regarding my practical training. (Finally, after a long wait)... But i do not know whether to say if it is a good news or not. According to my lecturer, the place that i chose to undergo my practical training is already full but they have three more seats or as in empty fillings to fill. There were three students including me who chose that place to go for practical training. I was relieved but at the same time kind of sad. This is because two of the students chosen will be placed at the main headquarters while one will be placed at the customer service department at another headquarters which is situated in the city. (Sigh) I can see this one coming....since the person they chose... was me....(-_-)

I don't mind much but it would be nice to work at the main headquarters since its close to my home. When i receive that news, something in my heart felt strange. I do not know whether i should say that i felt rather cheated or being pitied. Oh well, All in all i just want to finish my diploma and move on with life. My mother on the other hand said to me that if the lecturer does not call me she will take the matters into her own hands. She wants me to work at her friends place. I was having second thoughts about it. My heart tells me no but my brain logically tells go for it since it was for the better. I cannot wait for anyone. Enough about that one, my sister then came barging in telling me i should go an accept the work at another company she chose. ARGGHHH!!!.. Please! (>.<) Both of you are making it hard for me to choose. Plus, it hurts my brain to think too much.

I keep praying to Allah SWT for help regarding this matter. I want to chose a place where my heart can be at ease and easily my Iman can adapt to. There were two places i wrote on my resume for my lecturer to send. Before I receive the phone call, I had a dream that me and two of my juniors that chose the same company that we will go for our practical training met inside a meeting room. After a brief talk from a man (I think his role is a manager) we separated and go to different departments. Strangely, the place i was at change into a hospital instead. I walked and walked but I saw nothing but patients, doctors and nurses all around me.

Eh? Isn't the place I'm working suppose to be dealing with office work and all? How come it turned into a hospital? beside, the smell of medicine still lingers around and around (...Guess my love for medic really still lives huh?...). The next day, i receive the phone call and after a while, it hit me! The other headquarters in the city is situated next to a Polyclinic! That's probably it! How Allah SWT works in many ways to give me hints and i am very grateful to Him for everything. I just hope that after this, all goes well...

My lecturer says that the company will give her the letters of acceptance within this week and she would call me to collect all of it later. So far, i do not receive any phone calls yet and it's killing me in the inside. If the company is full just chose the second one then. It'll be fine anyways. I want to move on and i want to finish my diploma just like everyone else....Moga Allah SWT permudahkan segala perjalanan selepas ini....(-.-)

Well, that's all from me. The rest of the days have been pretty boring actually. I haven't gone out of the house much. In fact, come to think of it, i never go out at all! (sigh)...i think i do need to get my driver's license. at least, i can go to the library. I do not want my mother to send me because it will be troublesome for her to go out from work again and again. Till then dear readers...


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Salam Maal Hijrah 1434...

Assalamu'Alaikum & Good Day everyone..(-.-,)

Terlebih dahulu ana nak ucapkan Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah bagi seluruh Muslimin & Muslimah sedunia. Moga dengan datangnya tahun baru ini kita dapat manfaatkan dengan sebaik-baiknya. Moga Allah SWT mengampunkan segala-segala perbuatan kita pada tahun lepas yang boleh mendatangkan murkanya & Moga Allah SWT perkenankan segala amal kebaikann yang kita lakukan. Amin.

Maal Hijrah bukanlah sekadar menyambut kedatangan tahun baru dalam Islam akan tetapi ia lebih dari itu. Ia juga umpama sebuah perjalanan mencari redha Illahi. Sesungguhnya ayat Al-Quran itu adalah kata-kata Allah dan tiadalah benar melainkan benar sahaja. 

 "Orang-orang yang beriman dan berhijrah serta berjihad dengan harta benda dan diri, mereka adalah lebih tinggi darjatnya pada sisi Allah (SWT). Mereka itulah orang-orang yang mendapat kemenangan. Tuhan mengembirakan mereka dengan rahmat daripada-Nya keredhaan dan syurga. Di dalamnya mereka memperoleh kesenangan yang abadi. Mereka kekal di dalamnya selama-lamanya. Sesungguhnya disisi Allah itu pahala yang sangat besar." 
(Surah At-Taubah, Ayat 20)

Sini ada satu puisi yg ana nak share. Sama2lah kita ambil iktibar & pengajaran daripadanya. Selain itu, marilah kita sama2 mohon doa kepada Allah SWT agar penghijrahan diri selepas ini menjadi penuh berkah, penuh dengan kasih sayang & RahmatNya. Amin... Janganlah kita ulangi kesilapan masa lalu & sebaiknya kita lakukanlah yang terbaik dalam hidup tidak lain & tidak bukan akan tetapi hanyalah bagi menharapkan keredhaan & ketaqwaan  pada Allah SWT. Moga segala amalan kita juga akan diterimaNya..Amin...

Muhasabah Maal Hijrah

Di awal tahun baru hijrah,
Ku sujud menghambakan diri pada-Mu,
Hati terus merintih mengenangkan dosa lalu,
Kotornya diri dengan maksiat dan noda,
Lemahnya jiwa berdepan dengan dunia,
Lalainya diri dari mengingati-Nya,
Astaghfirullahal 'adzim....
Banyaknya kekurangan diri,
Ampuni hamba-Mu ini Ya Allah.

Aku sedar,
Jiwa yang tandus taqwa,
Terdorong lakukan apa sahaja,
Sanggup menentang arus kehendak Ilahi,
Yang difikir hanyalah untuk kepuasan diri,
Maka, pabila dosa telah larut,
Gelaplah hati, kotorlah jiwa, murunglah diri,
Itulah fitrah sang pendosa,
Yang leka dari pencipta-Nya.

Namun, bila iman hadir di jiwa,
Mata hati mula bekerja,
Baru kusedar, betapa diri jauh dari-Mu Tuhan,
Asyik sibuk untuk dunia,
Hinggakan solat sering kutunda,
Al-Quran pun malas dibaca,
Lidahku kotor dengan kata-kata dusta,
Mata ini tak kujaga dari perkara dosa,
Telinga ini mendengar apa yang tak sepatutnya,
Kaki ini sering melangkah ke tempat lagha.

Ya Allah,
Jauh sekali diriku dengan peribadi kekasih-Mu,
Kau teladan terbaik bagi seluruh umat,
Ingin sekali aku mencontohi peribadimu, Rasulullah
Meskipun dirimu suci tanpa dosa,
Solat malam tidak pernah kau lupa,
Munajatmu di tengah malam jadi rutin harian,
Pengharapanmu pada Tuhan terlalu tinggi,
Sedang aku???
Seorang hamba yang penuh dosa....
Solat fardhu pun kurang dijaga,
Apatah lagi solat malam sepertimu, Ya Nabiyullah.

Aku ingin berubah,
Menjadi seorang hamba-Mu yang taat,
Aku takut akan azab kubur,
Aku gerun dengan dahsyatnya neraka-Mu,
Dan kurindukan nikmat syurga.

Kupohon padaMu wahai Tuhan,
Campakkan ke dalam hati ini niat yang tulus,
Ingin sekali aku berdiri di hadapan-Mu dengan jiwa yang tunduk,
Ingin sekali aku rukuk pada-Mu dengan hati yang pasrah,
Dan ingin sekali ku sujud ke hadhrat-Mu dengan punuh kehambaan,

Ya Rahim,
Sucikan hatiku dari sifat munafik,
Sucikan amalku daripada riyak,
Sucikan lidahku daripada dusta dan mataku dari khianat,
Jadikanlah diriku seorang anak yang solehah,
Yang bisa mendamaikan hati Ummi dan Abiku,
Jadikanlah diriku seorang mukminat solehah,
Kerna mukminat solehah itu lebih cantik dari bidadari syurga.

Kurniakan aku kesabaran untuk menunaikan ketaatan pada-Mu,
Anugerahkan aku kesabaran dalam meninggalkan maksiat pada-Mu,
Jadikanlah hati ini hati yang sentiasa mengingati-Mu,
Agar dapat ku miliki sekeping hati yang tenang,
Jauh dari hasad dengki dan kepalsuan dunia,
Hadirkanlah cintaku kepada-Mu mengatasi segalanya,
Agar Kau temukan hati yang terbaik buat diriku.
Moga dapat kukecapi, kebahagiaan yang hakiki,
Suatu hari nanti...

Sumber Puisi :
Marilah kita sama-sama membaca Doa Akhir Tahun & Awal Tahun ..(-.-,)

Well, that's all from me.Apa yang baik itu semuanya datang daripada Allah SWT & segala keburukan itu datang hanyalah daripada kesilapan diri sendiri. Till then dear readers...Wasalamu'Alaikum

Friday, November 9, 2012

Blessings from Allah S.W.T....

Assalamu'Alaikum & Good Day everyone (^.^,)...




Words cannot describe how deeply truly content I am today. For the first time in my life i felt relief and I can move on with my life at ease without having to worry too much. The examination results for this semester was release  yesterday and.......

I PASS THE EXAM!!!! \\(^.^,)// ....

Believe me, the day before the examination result come out, I was quite nervous. But, with prayers and blessings from Allah SWT all goes well in the end. I owe it all to Him. Without Allah none of this will happen. I believe in Him more than ever. Always Put Our Trust In Allah, Insya'Allah the rest will follow...:)

Ku panjat segala kesyukuran dan keredhaanku pada Allah S.W.T. Syukur Alhamdulillah dapat ku teruskan perjuangan ini.

Jazakallah Khayran Semua :) :D

Terima Kasih tak terhingga ku ucapkan terutamanya buat kedua ibubapa & adik beradik yg tersayang yg selalu menjadi nadi & tonggak kejayaanku selama. Mama, papa, dibah, sofia & uin :) than
ks for everything. I love you very much :)

Terma kasih juga buat femly2, cousin2 yg bnyk beri sokongan, pensyarah2 yg tidak pernah putus2 memberi ilmu kepadaku & juga kepada rakan akhawat2 & ikhwan2 seperjuangan yg banyak memberi tunjuk ajar. Tanpa mereka siapalah diri ini...

Nek chu...
kmk dah lulus...kmk dah dpt tunaikan janji kmk dgn ktk...wish i can say it to you personally...
terima kasih nek for always believing in me...:')

Setinggi2 kesyukuran ku panjatkan kepada Allah S.W.T keatas segala nikmat & kasih sayangNya & juga redhaNya...
Syukur Alhamdulillahx3..

The next hurdle is not going to get pretty...tapi berbekalkan kesabaran dan usaha akan ku tempuh dengan hati yang tenang & tabah. Sesungguhnya Allah S.W.T lah yg sebaik2 penentu segalanya. Moga semua urusan selepas ini dipermudahkanNya. amin...Mohon do'a nya teman2 .... :)
I can finally undergo my practical training and then finish my diploma. I already contact my academic adviser and she asked me to liaise with the lecturer incharge. They will inform me the news later. Somehow i hope there is good news.... Others also suggest a few places. Wargh! too many la for me to choose (>.<).... I only need one.

Thinking back on what my mother says during dinner regarding this.  It's all for the future later on....Still, it's quite a difficult decision for me to make...A little bit of pressure here... Choosing is one thing but deciding is another...

I need sometime to think things through.... and they give me at least four days to make up my mind.

I need a miracle(-_-;)... Any sign would do.... (sigh)

Manusia merancang tapi Allah SWT yg akan tentukan. Moga2 apa2 keputusan yg dipilih nanti tidak lain yg ku harapkan melainkan ia dapat memanfaatkan diriku untuk lebih dekat dengan Allah Yang Maha Esa.

Well that's all from me . I'll write again next time. Till then dear readers :)


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Silence is not always golden...

Assalamu'Alaikum & Good day everyone =)

Few weeks have past since the start of semester holidays. besides that, my siblings will be joining me on their upcoming two month school holiday as well in which will start next week. Nothing much is going on actually accept a few events that got me kind of busy.

Anyways i would like to wish my grandmother and uncle (the one from my father's side) a very happy birthday. Believe me, both mother and child were born on the same date and month but different in years(^_^)...May Allah bless u guys always & may u have many prosperous life years ahead.

I still haven't receive any news regarding my practical training and furthermore, i can't seem to reach the person in charge. Did they change the number already? Gosh, all the waiting is making my heart pounding like crazy. At least, they should call and say if i need to make another resume, that's fine. I do not care in which company i will be working because to me the only thing for me to do now is to go for practical training. Regarding the company, If i am accepted, then that means that i am already ahead of schedule. which is good by the way. Oh, almost forgot. I receive information regarding the final examination result will be out either on the 8 November 2012 or 15 November 2012. I pray may i never repeat any subject again. (>.<)... Really2. i want to graduate with a peaceful mind!!

Being accepted is another thing. I just hope..really2 hope that all preparation goes well. Seriously, the silence is killing me!....Say it.... If the company does not accept me, its alright. It's not the end. I'll find other places to do my practical training. Is that hard to say? hurmmmm.....(-_-.).... Thinking about it make me feel more down and i don't want this to get to me either. I'm a rather sensitive person but not to the high extent.

(Sigh).... Will i be able to graduate? Wallahualam.... Kun faya kun... I leave the rest for Allah to decide for he is the best provisions for all of us. His will i must accept and his rules i will obey...

All in all....I just hope that all goes well....till then dear readers....


Monday, October 22, 2012

Back Again :D!!

Assalamualaikum & Good Day dear readers (^_^)!!!!

Alhamdulillah, after a few weeks of harsh examinations finally the long awaited semester holiday arrives!!. I can totally focus on what i want to do from now. But, there is also a flaw. Recently i asked my juniors regarding whether or not they received any news regarding the place of their choice for practical training. I was quite worried when quite a number of people had already got their permissions from the company of their choice to undergo practical training since i have not yet received any news about the place i choose. Other than that, there are a few students who are in the same position as i am but we try not to let those news bring our hopes down.

I applied back at my old place but there seemed to be no reply. I did not want to pressure anyone especially my lecturer because she will be giving birth. As expected she is already taking maternity leave and i wonder to whom we should contact. The last time I see my lecturer was two weeks before the final examination. My sister told me that the first thing that i should do is go to my academic adviser for help. The thing is she too is not present. (Sigh).... This are a few things that i wish to avoid during holidays. Thinking about it gives me more stress than examination. To add to my misery, she told me if  I don't act quick, I might do my practical training in campus! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

For nine semester I'm stuck in one place. this will be my last and I do not plan to stay there again.(>.<) (SIGHHHH).... This will be my fifth and last year before i can really graduate. I want to move on as well. I pray to Allah Taa'la that may all goes well after this. I hope to receive a feedback from either my academic adviser or my lecturer.

The rest that happen throughout the month I'll leave it for the picture to tell. As they say, picture is worth thousands of words....enjoy :)

The end of ECO120 test :DD. Actually this pic kita curi2 ambik
Presenting, the all you can cook rice cooker. ngehx3
Here's a story to tell. Actually its an ordinary rice cooker that my friend got from her brother. She bought it inside the hostel so that we can cook something. Besides, we were in a tight financial position since everyone did not receive their allowance yet. The rice cooker is one of the few electrical appliances that students in my campus cannot bring into the hostel. Well, some students do not exactly follow the rules. Don't blame me, i'm no the one who bought it. I was actually quite worried since there have been blackouts happening recently in our block. Due to that, the college authorities started to spot check one room after the other. Our room was no exception and to add to the panic mode, the people in the room did not pay for the electrical appliances for this semester.

Masha'Allah, my heart was beating rather fast as i heard their footsteps coming. My friend's eyes widen and the both of us quickly hide all the necessary stuff before the authorities come. I was an illegal student and i do not want my friend to take the blame for bringing an illegal to stay in the hostel. (There are currently five people in one room..when there is actually suppose to be two). I took my friend's book and pretended to study for examination. The funny thing is, my friend is not in the same course as i am. I am an office student whereas she is a political science. hahahaa... you can imagine me trying to memorize political studies book in which by the way is not my field. The authorities questioned my friend a lot and the other one searched about the room for any high voltage appliances. Because the lady questions too much i sort of bud in by pretending that i had lost all my ideas that i was suppose to answer for the upcoming exam in the afternoon. Due to that, they let us go and went to the next room. Alhamdulillah....we manage to escape. Fewwh!!

After that incident my friend brought back the rice cooker home. That was indeed scary and i have never felt so alarmed in my life. Lesson learn here is always pay the electrical appliance when you have to. No need for me to worry about that since they do not give hostels to part eight and above anyways. Scary but funny. My friends actually laugh for my act. they say it was a close call. If i did not bud in, they probably will be kicked out.

hahahahaha(>.<,)...our 'lesung batu' also known as mortar. we do not have the exact one so this is the best that we can come up with
Product Done! Our Nasi Goreng Belacan for dinner..Nyumx3...jom makan2 :D
 We made all sorts of dishes using the rice cooker. The one above is nasi goreng belacan. I made some porridge while my friend cook nasi goreng kampung for us in the morning. Believe it, we're actually full after eating them.

The Bilik Simulasi Pejabat. A mess with my account notes!! huhuhuu... By the way, this desktop has also been the very one that i use for almost three years in campus. My favourite spot :) Going to miss it though...

Late night study. There is a boat race happening on that day and mother bought all of us to the hotel to see it from above. I have no time to see it... but my siblings are certainly enjoying it. Kinda envied them. Study first, relax later... Chaiyok!!

The Sarawak Regatta
I was studying for ECO120 because i have a test on the next morning. The uncomfortable thing was, my sister persuade me (more like begged) to sleep with her at her rented house. There were other student there as well. the first and the last i will sleep there. (T_T)... Plus, some of them were quite noisy
Wacana Cinta: Dia Untukku...
Syukur Alhamdulillah, i get to come to a forum where my favourite author was one of the speaker. The speaker is Ustazah Fatimah Syarha and her husband Dr. Farhan. The information is quite useful but the only thing is i cannot hear much when her it was her husband's turn to speak because his voice is a little low. Maybe because i was sitting at the back? I arrived kind of  late that time and had to use the back door to enter. It was my first time coming to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science of University Malaysia Sarawak. The forum was quite wonderful but i missed getting her autograph because a friend of mine borrowed the book. Oh well, a picture will do...:D

Me and Ustazah Fatimah... Jazakillah ya ustazah..:DD
All thanks goes to them. my roommates for this semester. I give them my thanks and May allah forever bless all of you in you journey in this world. I pray that may all of you graduate with success. Byebye guys. Good luck for the exam results!!
Never want to experience that pain again...alamatnya jangan gelabah..
 Aduh2...cobaaan before exam. I accidentally sprained my ankle. The story goes like this. After I finished washing my clothes and other laundries, i thought of hanging them outside since the day is sunny and good. As i walked down the stairs, i saw a technician walked out from the first floor level door. Then i heard the college authorities voice coming. I  was an illegal and I don't want to be catch especially by them. My mistake was I sort of panicked and then comes the pain. My dismay comes as they gathered to see what bumpy noise they heard. They asked if i was okay and i nodded (The pain hurts!!!). as they walked away, i quickly hang my clothes outside and rushed back into my room. I placed some ointment to ease the pain. The pain on my ankle is gone but the pain on my back hurts till now. I really need to see a doctor after this...(-___-'') (sapa suruh la akibatnya. dahlah nak exam.) cobaan...

The end of ACC100 final exam. nie pun gambar curi2.
Had a chance to go to the beach!! :D i went here with my family the day after i finished my ACC100 final exam
 Well, that's all from me to you on the updates during the end of September and the month of October. I'll try to write more soon. Till then dear readers...:D
