Thursday, September 15, 2011


Assalamu'Alaikum and Good day everyone(^^,)

Ana nak ucapkan "Selamat Menyambut Hari Malaysia" to all Malaysians out there. Moga Allah sentiasan kekalkan kedamaian buat Negara kita yg ter chenta ini...May Allah continue to give his blessings to our beloved and loving country...Ya Allah, i'm proud to be a Malaysian...=) Though, our country might have its up and downs but the real deal is we ourselves. A country is a land that our Creator gave us. We as the citizens, regardless of what status or what position you are, is very much responsible for the development of our country.

There will be times that our country will face with difficulties such as dealing with unwanted people who tries to disturb the peace in this beloved country of ours. Ana doa bnyk2 yg semoga bende mcm tu dpt dibendung from happening. Daripada gago pasal org lain kan baik buat kerja yang dapat memberi manfaat? kan3x dpt jugak pahala...Dengan Kemerdekaan yang Allah dah bagi dekat kta, hendaklah kita jaga dengan sebaik2nya..Ingatlah bagaimana kipas susah mati orang zaman2 dahulu memperjuangkan segalanya demi mencapai Kemerdekaan. Sapa juak yg senang? kita kan? sebab tu we have to really appreciate it supaya the next generation yang akan datang dapat sambung dalam mengekalkan keamanan buat Negara kita. Bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita roboh. Kalau semua organ asyik nak begadoh x tentu pasal, berebut kuasa, protest, buat hal sana sini, sampai bila pun keamanan tu x kan dapat tercapai. Don't continue to give people problems because if you do, you're just going to make the development of this country SLOW....Ingat, Negara Malaysia ni negara yang makmur so pendek kata, sama2 kita jaga continue to kekalkan kemerdekaan ini. (^.O,)

Here's a little info yg ana selitkan ckit utk entri kali ini...(^_^)...

Malaysia Day is held on September 16 every year to commemorate the establishment of the MalaysianMalaya, North Borneo, Sarawak, and Singapore to form Malaysia. The formation of the new federation was planned to occur on June 1, 1963, but was later postponed to August 31, 1963, in order to coincide with the sixth Hari Merdeka. Several issues related to the Indonesian and the Filipino objection to the formation of Malaysia delayed the declaration to September 16 of the same year. The postponement was also done to allow the United Nations team time to conduct referendums in North Borneo (now Sabah) and Sarawak regarding the two states participation in a new federation. federation on the same date in 1963. It marked the joining together of

The formation of Malaysia was made possible through the introduction of the Malaysia Bill to the Malayan Parliament on July 9, 1963, and consent from the Yang di-Pertuan Agong on August 29, 1963.
Prior to the formation of Malaysia, Sarawak gained its independence on July 22 1963 while Singapore and North Borneo (which was renamed Sabah) unilaterally declared independence from the United Kingdom on August 31, 1963, thus coinciding with the sixth anniversary of the Malayan independence.

Beginning year 2010, September 16 is a federal public holiday. It coincides with the birthday of the Yang di-Pertua of Sabah.

If you want to know more, you can search in at wikipedia website..(All information here is courtesy of

Well, that's for now. Doa ana buat Negara kita is semoga ia terus maju sampai ke persada dunia & i hope that in times to come that the Malaysian 2020 can be achieved. Time tu ana harap yg rakyat kita akan saling bantu membantu antara satu sama lain. Whatever the reason or problems that lies in front of us, we must stand together, all for one and one for all....From there I pray that Allah will continue to give His blessings to to everyone. I'll update you guys soon. Lupe plak, Insya'Allah, kalau sempat, ana nak ajak mak ana and adik2 pi tengok orang Sarawak Regatta nanti. Akak ana x pat bab dia keluar dengan kwn2. So, i hope to go there cuz i really wanted to see the boat race. That, is another story i'll update later..till then dear readers...have a nice weekend....:)


Friday, September 9, 2011

Assalamu'Alaikum & Good day dear readers....

After a week's Raya holidays, i'm back at UiTM samarahan..rasa nak mati leput!!! Not that i'm not aware but well informed through my luggage. My luggage that carries my clothes seems lighter than my bags that carries books...a clear reminder to me that comprehensive test plus final examination is coming in two weeks time....

So, what's the story? Fuuu~~~ this week alone banyak sangat exam. satu demi satu kami tempuh but the price we pay after raya is how should i say? some are big and some are little. bagi student2 yg masih jiwa nyer tu mood raya, cepat2 lah bertukar. Final dah nak dekat ni adik2...

During this week alone me and my classmates bersengkang mata untuk tiga exam berturut2. i only have to worry about three tetapi cdak lain tiga. Apa2 pun i wish them all the best in their test after this...we still have three more to go next week before the finals. Urgh!! teringatkan debate hari selasa yang lalu. The motion was  "examination should be replaced with other forms of assesments"..ana jadik pembangkang. I support examinations...bila diingatkan balik, sebenar nye subjek yg di ajar tu senang cuma, students tend to fail sbb they do not UNDERSTAND what they are READING....

Nasib baik Miss sudi share tips cm mane nak smart study. Mcm subjek Administrative Office Management, ia berkenaan dgn roles and responsibility in the offce & bagi Organizational Behavior, kita hanya perlu faham ttg org di dlm organisasi tu..makne nye individu dlm office.. (these two subjects is a part of the subjects offered in my course)

Problem yg susah disusahkan lagi sebab tu berlaku nya STRESS.....Nama lagi student, stress akan jadi satu kebiasaan. yg penting is how you handle stress. Jgn terlampau stress sebab nnti leh jd GILA...x mau gitu. For the last two of the first raya celebration, i locked my self at home just to finish my assignments so that later i will be free. x sangka bila balik tok plak ada laig yg menunggu. Lain bunyi case study lain lagi dengan portfolio nye...apa2 pun more assesments & evaluation teaches a student to be more proactive in opening their books to read...

Merapu dah ana nie....ana & geng penat sangat2...Moga2 all goes well for all of us later masa study break nanti. Kalau x pun, at least dapat cover subjek2 final nanti...hurm~~~

Well, that's all that i can wtite about for this week, mata dah mengantok da...nak balik hostel & tido kejap..anyways, till then,


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Reunion + Riang Ria Raya 2011......

Assalamualaikum & Good Day everyone(^^,)

Kek Raye tahun nih..Ice Cream Coffee
First of all i would like to wish all Muslimin & Muslimah, Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Fitri!!!(^_^) Maaf Zahir & Batin..Moga2 Lebaran tahun nie bnyk membawa keberkatan to all of us. Moga2 Allah sentiasa memberkati kita juga..berlalunya Ramadhan bg memberi laluan untuk Syawal bersama dengan kita kali ini. Diingatkan juga yg jgn saje bulan Ramadhan tu nak update pahala, baik bulan mulia Ramadhan atau bulan-bulan yg lain, sentiasa lah kita bermuhasabah diri. Raya nie, ehem..nafsu makan tu ha, leh naik or turun. Kalau dah x cukup nak sumbatkan makanan or juadah2 open house ke, kt umah sendiri ke, When your stomach says its full, please, syg kat perut anda. Makanlah dengan ala kadar. Makanan tu x kan lari, kalau ade pun Tezeki namanya...

Sepupu kecilku beria2 jadi camera man
Alhamdulillah, Raya tahun nie baik bagi ana & femly tercinta. Biarpun ditimpa dengan banyak sesangat assignment & reports, ana cuba bagi masa for both. Dua hari ana x pat keluar beraya sangat sebab gara2 assignment. Almaklumlah, kehidupan sebagai student..kan3x?...anyways, i'll try to finish them as soon as possible because banyak lagi rumah femly ana yg ana belum lagi ziarah. For 2 days ana stuck kat rumah, kejap jadi maid of the house, bertukar pulak jadi student and then layan tetamu..hehe, speeding ana buat semua tu. X pe, i develop new skills in the process(^^,)...

Reunion with old friends(^_^) lamo beno dah x tengok diorang nih!!

Kasi gegar tempat bowling center..hahaha(^_^)

Geng2 old Skool..hehe, Dari Kiri: abang, A'and, Alam & Ma'el

Muslimah2 kasi gegar satu shopping complex..hehe(^.O,)

My Besties!! Akak ana yg ambik gambar
Sebelum raya menjelma, ana & frens ada buat gathering. Pening ana dibuat hal in the end ketawa gak ana..hahaha. Last week's tuesday, ana ada terima mesej from a long time classmate & fren  yang dia kata dok nak buat reunion. Tu problem number 1. Problem number 2, Kawan baik akak ana & ana pun ada buat reunion jugak. Both of this events happen on the same date & day. Masya'ALLAH!!...Bingung ana dibuatnye..nak attend mano satu nih? apo2 pon, ana bawok b'sabo je... Ana ader discuss dengan akak ana ttg nih. dia pon terbelah bg. Kami kembar, so dia kata yg one of us has to go to the reunion and the other goes with out besties. Yang sakitnya, both parties were really expecting us to come. rasa nak belah badan jadi dua plak. Ana dah dua orang, hai, takkan lah nak belah lagi..hohohoho..hampeh!. Masing2 kedua2 belah pihak x mau give in but in the end all turn out well for all of us....

Kelas 6 Perdana 10 years later...
The day and my sister decide to go out with our besties since we made the promise to them first. Alhamdulilah semuanya berjalan dengan lancar on that day. To add the happy moments ana dapat jugak berjumpa & gathering dengan classmates ana masa sekolah rendah dulu(^_^)...nanti ana upload picture. biarpun x semua yg hadir, ade yang terpaksa bekerja and ada yang busy...mereka kirim salam kat kami semua...

Nisa & her cute one year old daughter(^_^)
Yang ana x pat nak sangka is... dulu, ana pernah sekali terbayang yang macam mane ye agaknye kami semua kalau dah besar nanti? kalo nak buat reunion dalam 10 tahun akan datang tu mesti they all ader yg dah beranak pinak....hahahahaa...x sangka, Alhamdulillah jugak yang i get to see this day....My friends ada yang sudah berkahwin & anak2 mereka comel2 & sihat2 belaka(^^,) I pray to them them all the happiness in the world...Ada jugak yang bakal dapat anak ke 2. Wow!, Alhamdulillah, bertambah rezeki mereka...ana ni, ehehe....blom lagi dapat nak rancang bina keluarga. Ilmu belum cukup lagi dibelajar. Insya'ALLAH akan sampailah masa tersebut nanti. Semuanya ana berserah kepada Allah sebab senang je, yang baik untuk yang baik & yang jahat untuk yang jahat...walahu'alam....yang terbaik bagi kita sekarang ialah untuk sentiasa beribadah lah & berbuatlah baik dijalan Allah...sememangnya Allah lah penentu jodoh yang terbaik bagi hambanya...Yang ana harap ialah agar orang yang bakal jadi zauj ana mencintai Penciptanya lebih dari apa2 pun. Orang yang mencintai Allah ialah orang yang takut akan azabnya & x kan menyakiti orang lain. Plus, ana harap dia dari kalangan orang yang baik2 jugak..amin...:) Wallahu'alam...apa2 pun ana tetap berserah segalanya kepadaNya....

Here are some of the pictures that i took..forgive me kalau ader yg blurr2 tu.. baru nak berjinak2 dengan photograpy(^_^)

Tengah tercari2 mano posisi baguih nak begambo...hehehe..

(Susun atur untuk bergambar)..every year, its tradition in the femly to take at least one family photo during the 1st day of raya(^^,)...

Ayu cik Yaty kita nih..hehe(^_^)

Bebudak semua beratur salam dengan nenek & Pak cik Mak cik

Sape nak cokelat? Meh pak wa bagi...(^_^)
Tu je yang mampu ana coret kan buat sementara nih nnti ana belog balik ye...mungkin dalam masa terdekat nih ana maybe jarang nak post2. ana nak fokus dengan goal ana untuk habiskan diploma nih & get ready for final exam..Doakan kami semua ye(^_^) Insya'Allah, moga Allah permudahkan segala urusan kami semua nanti...till then dear readers..wasalamu'alaikum warahmatullah...:)