Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Putting in some thoughts...(-__-)...

Assalamualaikum & peace be upon you...

Recently, i came across something that is rather sad and it does make me feel upset. But just to share to the person concern, all that i can advise you is...

Do not choose people...(-_-) Instead befriend them and then observe their character. If it is well there is no need to say much but if its not well then step by step, teach them the good ways...Insyaallah, their hearts can slowly be soften afterward.Some people even when we try to teach them the good way but they just never listen and it just a waste of time. Now there is a challenge! it is a task for us and to see whether we give up easily or not. that is why we must never give up on taking that risks and to move forward for a better future.

It is sad for me to see that not many people really understand...

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