Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Silence is not always golden...

Assalamu'Alaikum & Good day everyone =)

Few weeks have past since the start of semester holidays. besides that, my siblings will be joining me on their upcoming two month school holiday as well in which will start next week. Nothing much is going on actually accept a few events that got me kind of busy.

Anyways i would like to wish my grandmother and uncle (the one from my father's side) a very happy birthday. Believe me, both mother and child were born on the same date and month but different in years(^_^)...May Allah bless u guys always & may u have many prosperous life years ahead.

I still haven't receive any news regarding my practical training and furthermore, i can't seem to reach the person in charge. Did they change the number already? Gosh, all the waiting is making my heart pounding like crazy. At least, they should call and say if i need to make another resume, that's fine. I do not care in which company i will be working because to me the only thing for me to do now is to go for practical training. Regarding the company, If i am accepted, then that means that i am already ahead of schedule. which is good by the way. Oh, almost forgot. I receive information regarding the final examination result will be out either on the 8 November 2012 or 15 November 2012. I pray may i never repeat any subject again. (>.<)... Really2. i want to graduate with a peaceful mind!!

Being accepted is another thing. I just hope..really2 hope that all preparation goes well. Seriously, the silence is killing me!....Say it.... If the company does not accept me, its alright. It's not the end. I'll find other places to do my practical training. Is that hard to say? hurmmmm.....(-_-.).... Thinking about it make me feel more down and i don't want this to get to me either. I'm a rather sensitive person but not to the high extent.

(Sigh).... Will i be able to graduate? Wallahualam.... Kun faya kun... I leave the rest for Allah to decide for he is the best provisions for all of us. His will i must accept and his rules i will obey...

All in all....I just hope that all goes well....till then dear readers....


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