Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dear December...

Assalamu'Alaikum & Good day everyone...(^_^)

Alhamdulillah, Syukur kepada Allah yang dapat juagk Ana belog sekali lagi. Lama sangat da ana nih menyepi. Not because of laziness but many things had happened within the past few weeks. Pejam celik pejam celik dah masok bulan December. On November, our family had lost someone dear to us. Sad to say, My cousin passed away due to bone cancer. Even till now, it still feels like she was here with us..but alas, Allah loves her more than we do. Food for thought... Hidup hanya sekali, manfaatkanlah ia dengan sebaik2nya..Jalanilah hidup kita berpandukan agama & Insya'Allah, kita akan selamat..beruntung bagi mereka yang benar2 pandai berfikir...
Ana berdoa semoga Allah sentiasa mencucuri rahmat buat sepupu ana & moga2 dia ditempatkan bersama2 para muslim soleh dan solehah...Al-Fatihah...
Other than that, Gear up everyone! A new Term begins and no more holidays for me...huhuhuhuhuuu
As i set my foot there...the aura of the place seems different...the place seems to be more quiet than before (though there are many noises all around) I missed all the familiar faces that once walked the hallways and around the campus.. :'( I admit that its not easy being an extended student but yes, there are sometimes when good things happen and vice versa....I'm a slow learner but Alhamdulillah, i manage to get through some of the worst part of higher step is to finish the last four remaining subjects. Two of the subjects is, much to my dismay (added bonus) as well as the senior , (once took the subject ended up repeating) sigh might be the challenging part. 

ECO120 (Principle of Economics)
ACC100 (Business Accounting)

these two subject is what they deemed as the "KILLER SUBJECT". At first, i was so skeptical of it but one of the subject above made me found the joy of numbers...I prefer Accounting rather than Economics. Probably because i think its much more easier compare to economics that keeps on changing and confusing...Other than these two subjects, i also took Entrepreneurship (ENT300) and Office Application (OMT255)

ETR300 is more towards like forming your own company, making business plans and starting a business. We are divided into groups that consist of five people headed by the General Manager. Then comes the Administrative Manager, Financial Manager followed by Marketing Manager and Operation Manager.
This subject is tough and it has to be done very clearly from A to Z. If you do not choose the right members, it can mean big problem. This subject requires us to not only physically and mentally prepare but the most important part is Teamwork...As i observe from each and i dealing with kids or adults?(SIGH) Anyways, Our group decided to go for the business "House of Porridge". My sister says that being in the food business we have to be very careful. I just hope my team realizes this before its too late. Oh i'm not worried, they are good people but sometimes their ideas might be too old and nonsense. As the General Manager, I believe we can make it!!! (actually, I was suppose to be the Marketing Manager but a junior wanted to switch position with me because she's was afraid to be called to the front line....)(More Sigh from me....) Whatever the case is, i'm not afraid.. Our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W is a great example how an entrepreneur should be. Insya'Allah, everything will be fine if we believe in ourselves. 

Besides that, Nothing beats the start of new semester than room problems..As usual, the college cannot support rooms for some students because the degree students are still in campus. As a result, me and mu friend is stuck with no room but we do manage to bunk in with some of our friends though. Three weeks of waiting, my patience have finally paid off. Alhamdulillah, Praise to Allah for his blessings that he had blessed upon me. During start of semester, i sent an appeal letter to the administration. Alhamdulillah, i manage to get one.The best part is, this is my last semester before i go for my practical training. When i was a part one student, i've been placed at a hostel of Serapi. I stayed there until i was a part six student. when i became an extended student, the hostel accomodation was no more. So, i bunk in with a friend of mine. I am thankful to the hostel administration for allowing us (illeagal student, that's what they call students who has no room in the hostel) to bunk in at our friends room. this is due to the intake of many students for that semester but i hear that they are starting to use that technique now. This is to make the student life a little easier, especially to those who live outside of the country such as Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Miri, and even from the rural areas as well as other students from other divisions of the country.

I left Serapi for almost one semester and i'm very thankful to Allah for letting to come back to my beloved Serapi Hostel.:)))  I grew up there for three years of my diploma life and its like my second home.teheheheee.... Although Gading has many benefits but Serapi, to me has many deep meanings. Its a place where it all started and the place where i experience many parts of bitterness and sweetness of college life. Alhamdulillah....Praise to Allah....I'd like to thank my beloved mother for everything that she had done for me. if it not for her as well, i may be homeless. 

Ya Allah, Kasihanilah ibu bapa ku seperti mana mereka mengasihani kami dari kecil
...Rahmatilah mereka Ya Allah di dunia dan di akhirat nanti...amin....

I love my mother very much. though parents can sometimes get cross but its the way how they show that they care for us. No parents wants to see their children ended up as failures in their lives.... I promised my mother that i will finish my studies and so shall it be. Insya'ALLAH...My mother told me that if i wanted to help her i have to study. that is all. I'm so grateful to Allah for parents like my parents....:) 

Well, this is as far as i can get for now..Insya'ALLAH, i'll try to update more. Till then dear readers...Wasalamu'Alaikum...(^^,)


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