Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Semester Holidays..

Assalamu'Alaikum & Good Day everyone (-.-,)...

Last week have been a busy one indeed its the 100th day since my late grandmother's death. My uncle from miri arrive a few days before and so everyone is busy with the work to prepare untuk makan 100 arwah....
My little sister said to me that she still cannot accept the fact that my late grandmother died. To her she was always a strong woman & always been there for us. I also cannot accept that fact but i tired my best to keep her memories alive. She was a wonderful person to all of us and will always remain in our hearts forever. Al-Fatihah...

Anyways, last week as well, i receive a phone call from my lecturer regarding my practical training. (Finally, after a long wait)... But i do not know whether to say if it is a good news or not. According to my lecturer, the place that i chose to undergo my practical training is already full but they have three more seats or as in empty fillings to fill. There were three students including me who chose that place to go for practical training. I was relieved but at the same time kind of sad. This is because two of the students chosen will be placed at the main headquarters while one will be placed at the customer service department at another headquarters which is situated in the city. (Sigh) I can see this one coming....since the person they chose... was me....(-_-)

I don't mind much but it would be nice to work at the main headquarters since its close to my home. When i receive that news, something in my heart felt strange. I do not know whether i should say that i felt rather cheated or being pitied. Oh well, All in all i just want to finish my diploma and move on with life. My mother on the other hand said to me that if the lecturer does not call me she will take the matters into her own hands. She wants me to work at her friends place. I was having second thoughts about it. My heart tells me no but my brain logically tells go for it since it was for the better. I cannot wait for anyone. Enough about that one, my sister then came barging in telling me i should go an accept the work at another company she chose. ARGGHHH!!!.. Please! (>.<) Both of you are making it hard for me to choose. Plus, it hurts my brain to think too much.

I keep praying to Allah SWT for help regarding this matter. I want to chose a place where my heart can be at ease and easily my Iman can adapt to. There were two places i wrote on my resume for my lecturer to send. Before I receive the phone call, I had a dream that me and two of my juniors that chose the same company that we will go for our practical training met inside a meeting room. After a brief talk from a man (I think his role is a manager) we separated and go to different departments. Strangely, the place i was at change into a hospital instead. I walked and walked but I saw nothing but patients, doctors and nurses all around me.

Eh? Isn't the place I'm working suppose to be dealing with office work and all? How come it turned into a hospital? beside, the smell of medicine still lingers around and around (...Guess my love for medic really still lives huh?...). The next day, i receive the phone call and after a while, it hit me! The other headquarters in the city is situated next to a Polyclinic! That's probably it! How Allah SWT works in many ways to give me hints and i am very grateful to Him for everything. I just hope that after this, all goes well...

My lecturer says that the company will give her the letters of acceptance within this week and she would call me to collect all of it later. So far, i do not receive any phone calls yet and it's killing me in the inside. If the company is full just chose the second one then. It'll be fine anyways. I want to move on and i want to finish my diploma just like everyone else....Moga Allah SWT permudahkan segala perjalanan selepas ini....(-.-)

Well, that's all from me. The rest of the days have been pretty boring actually. I haven't gone out of the house much. In fact, come to think of it, i never go out at all! (sigh)...i think i do need to get my driver's license. at least, i can go to the library. I do not want my mother to send me because it will be troublesome for her to go out from work again and again. Till then dear readers...


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