Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hospital hospitality....

Asslamualaikum & a very good day 2 all(^^,)...

Last few days were okay. My schedule is disturbed again and i have in sense of no idea of what so ever how the class schedule turned out. Thank goodness i messaged one of my classmates and she told me about the news. Looks like i have to find a way to settle this problem. I've already text a message to my lecturer and insya'Allah i'll be seeing her this Monday. Besides that, another problem occur....

Last week's Friday, after Maghrib prayers my mother received a call from my aunt that my grandmother was admitted into the hospital. My siblings stayed at home while me and my mother rushed to the hospital. by the time we got there she was already at the emergency ward. The hospital...well, its not that i dislike them but yeah, it can be a scary experience. But that totally changed my views and expectations....(Let me just write it in a short story form)...

As we went inside the emergency ward, i say my grandmother lying on the hospital bed. She was glad to see us and so did our aunt (Which, had been trying to contact my mother for the past twenty minutes) my mom's phone was left at home due to a flat battery. My grandmother had experienced chest pain and she hardly could breath well. I was worried that she might have heart problems ( Syukur, that was not the case...yet).

The smell of medicine in the hospital and the people bustling in and out of the ward really interests me. I'm beginning to see a different side of things. i think being in the hospital is a good exposure and good opportunity to see the side of life. Of course, there are a few patients that is totally out of the ordinary. (I was afraid that they might break loose!!) There was one though, really got me glued to where i'm standing. There was this middle aged man who fainted. His son and wife were there with him. it was about fifteen minutes later when the commotion starts. He started to open his eyes and saw the Indian doctor in front of him. his eyes widen and he started to go mad. Then four more doctors along with three paramedics and two securities rushed over to them. He wanted to break loose and he started cursing as well as saying nonsensical things. All eyes were on all of them. My guess his brain still cannot detect that he was inside the hospital. I guessed it must be the effects from it) It takes about more than half of the doctors there to calm him down. the doctors fused the medicine inside of him. I told his wife to recite Bismillah for 21 times in his ear. after a few seconds, the doctors managed to calm him down. A doctor's life is fill with patience and moreover diligence. I respect them very much and i thank them from the bottom of my heart for taking good care of my granny as well.after that the last few hours i was beginning to feel sleepy.

Grandma sleeping after the doctors did a few check ups on her

The doctor then told us that she had to stay in the hospital for a few days. they also suspect heart problems and skin disease. We all took turns to take care of her. on the third day, me and my mother were at the hospital. I was beginning to feel bored plus i dreaded that my MP3 broke a few months ago. How i wish that it can still function right now because the hospital is soooo quiet!...Then i started to wonder around. My curiosity got the best of me this time. but before that incident happen, i wander around the other wards on the ninth floor. After that i wander near the exit stairs. it had a marvelous view of the city but due to the dull atmosphere i started to play some music from my phone. I did though heard a clicking sound but i ignored it. then just as i turned the door knob, i t was locked! I trembled and panicked for a while....okay, how am i going to get out of here. i tried knocking a few times but no one heard me. I don't want to spend the rest of the night here!!! nooooo....then i decided to take the stairs(Actually the path that i went down was only for staffs...that got me nervous) I went all the way down to the ninth floor to the seventh floor, retrace my steps and head back toward my granmother's ward. I sat there and did not say anything due to the shock...hahahahaha...adventure can be deadly at times...butthen again ti was a fun experience. On monday, my grandmother is then discharged and can go back home safe and sound. I pray for my dear grandmother to be alright and well. May Allah bless her and love you grandma(^^)....

well that's a few that i can share with you guys about what happened. by the way, i advice, do not wander around by yourself. Always have a companion with you and go to place where there are many people and less danger. I of course learned my lesson from that events. (got scolded for it as well)....what if the door was purposely locked? Syukur Alhamdulillah, Allah protects me...

till then dear readers...=) wslm..

Here are some of the pictures that i took when i'm bored...

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