Monday, February 21, 2011

Let the voting begins!

Assalamualaikum dear readers(^^,)

Kayfa haluka?
Me? Ana bi khayr wa alhamdulillah..(^^,)

(a little revision, while writing this, i happen to just finish arabic language class)

Today is the voting day for UiTMCS's new Student Body Council. As much as i like to vote but i think i'll pass on this one. there are eighteen faculties all in a count. The question is, Who will be the next in line to the seat? As i can see all candidates are working hard for this. My hope and prayers for them is Minna san! Gambatte ne!

All students are compulsary to vote and more over, the part four students since the candidate chosen is much from their batch. My faculty is no exception...this year, they have chosen three candidates in which one student is to vote for only two out of three. then two candidates will be brought up to he board and thus serve the University. Hope all goes well.

well, that is all for now. i'll let you guys know soon when the results are out.

OM has sent three girls to make it to the council and they are:

Lorenna Junaidi
Immah Ibrahim
Masyitah Sarip

From the past events and also experience i've been concerning these three, so far they are the best that i've seen. They are quite the best students (although, some of them can sometimes be a pain in the head).

I know they can make it and i trust they can do well. Being chosen to represent your faculty is a big responsibiliy but they can also mean a chance. What i'm trying to say is a chance to prove one's self and see how far can i go from here? If one task is given to you, never think that it is a burden. to me, i imagine that i am in a jungle, but this jungle is no ordinary jungle. it's a jungle filled with all sorts of things and problem that one cannot imagine to encounter. The task is simple, make your way out of it. What are you going to do? what are you going to use to get out? that my dear friends, lies within you and only you alone can think of the best way to get out of there. With all the things you learn and the knowlege you have, who knows? you might found the exit.. a creative person can make a difference in his or her and other peoples' lives...i like to think of it that way...hehe, sorry if get a little too imaginaitive..(^^,) Correct me if i'm wrong....

Anyways, best of luck girls, and may you bring us many good fortune this year. I wish all the success from you as well...Minna san, Gambatte!!!!....XD


  1. thirah: it is ur blog?? ur words..keep writing sayang..i will support u now n then:))

    erm, da jd ur follower..maila follow una balik yang:))

  2. Slm una(^^,)

    thanx sbb sudi follow blog tirah. tirah dah follow blog una(^.^)
    Tirah suke tengok blog una. veru creative & full of wonderful things(^^,) hope to here more from you soon(^^,) take care..wslm
