Friday, December 30, 2011
2011, the memories & life....
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Dear December...
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
First Love (A little thing called love) OST lyrics
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Ana nak ucapkan "Selamat Menyambut Hari Malaysia" to all Malaysians out there. Moga Allah sentiasan kekalkan kedamaian buat Negara kita yg ter chenta ini...May Allah continue to give his blessings to our beloved and loving country...Ya Allah, i'm proud to be a Malaysian...=) Though, our country might have its up and downs but the real deal is we ourselves. A country is a land that our Creator gave us. We as the citizens, regardless of what status or what position you are, is very much responsible for the development of our country.
There will be times that our country will face with difficulties such as dealing with unwanted people who tries to disturb the peace in this beloved country of ours. Ana doa bnyk2 yg semoga bende mcm tu dpt dibendung from happening. Daripada gago pasal org lain kan baik buat kerja yang dapat memberi manfaat? kan3x dpt jugak pahala...Dengan Kemerdekaan yang Allah dah bagi dekat kta, hendaklah kita jaga dengan sebaik2nya..Ingatlah bagaimana kipas susah mati orang zaman2 dahulu memperjuangkan segalanya demi mencapai Kemerdekaan. Sapa juak yg senang? kita kan? sebab tu we have to really appreciate it supaya the next generation yang akan datang dapat sambung dalam mengekalkan keamanan buat Negara kita. Bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita roboh. Kalau semua organ asyik nak begadoh x tentu pasal, berebut kuasa, protest, buat hal sana sini, sampai bila pun keamanan tu x kan dapat tercapai. Don't continue to give people problems because if you do, you're just going to make the development of this country SLOW....Ingat, Negara Malaysia ni negara yang makmur so pendek kata, sama2 kita jaga continue to kekalkan kemerdekaan ini. (^.O,)
Here's a little info yg ana selitkan ckit utk entri kali ini...(^_^)...
Malaysia Day is held on September 16 every year to commemorate the establishment of the MalaysianMalaya, North Borneo, Sarawak, and Singapore to form Malaysia. The formation of the new federation was planned to occur on June 1, 1963, but was later postponed to August 31, 1963, in order to coincide with the sixth Hari Merdeka. Several issues related to the Indonesian and the Filipino objection to the formation of Malaysia delayed the declaration to September 16 of the same year. The postponement was also done to allow the United Nations team time to conduct referendums in North Borneo (now Sabah) and Sarawak regarding the two states participation in a new federation. federation on the same date in 1963. It marked the joining together of
The formation of Malaysia was made possible through the introduction of the Malaysia Bill to the Malayan Parliament on July 9, 1963, and consent from the Yang di-Pertuan Agong on August 29, 1963.
Prior to the formation of Malaysia, Sarawak gained its independence on July 22 1963 while Singapore and North Borneo (which was renamed Sabah) unilaterally declared independence from the United Kingdom on August 31, 1963, thus coinciding with the sixth anniversary of the Malayan independence.
Beginning year 2010, September 16 is a federal public holiday. It coincides with the birthday of the Yang di-Pertua of Sabah.
If you want to know more, you can search in at wikipedia website..(All information here is courtesy of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia_Day)....
Well, that's for now. Doa ana buat Negara kita is semoga ia terus maju sampai ke persada dunia & i hope that in times to come that the Malaysian 2020 can be achieved. Time tu ana harap yg rakyat kita akan saling bantu membantu antara satu sama lain. Whatever the reason or problems that lies in front of us, we must stand together, all for one and one for all....From there I pray that Allah will continue to give His blessings to to everyone. I'll update you guys soon. Lupe plak, Insya'Allah, kalau sempat, ana nak ajak mak ana and adik2 pi tengok orang Sarawak Regatta nanti. Akak ana x pat bab dia keluar dengan kwn2. So, i hope to go there cuz i really wanted to see the boat race. That, is another story i'll update later..till then dear readers...have a nice weekend....:)
Friday, September 9, 2011
After a week's Raya holidays, i'm back at UiTM samarahan..rasa nak mati leput!!! Not that i'm not aware but well informed through my luggage. My luggage that carries my clothes seems lighter than my bags that carries books...a clear reminder to me that comprehensive test plus final examination is coming in two weeks time....
So, what's the story? Fuuu~~~ this week alone banyak sangat exam. satu demi satu kami tempuh but the price we pay after raya is how should i say? some are big and some are little. bagi student2 yg masih jiwa nyer tu mood raya, cepat2 lah bertukar. Final dah nak dekat ni adik2...
During this week alone me and my classmates bersengkang mata untuk tiga exam berturut2. i only have to worry about three tetapi cdak lain tiga. Apa2 pun i wish them all the best in their test after this...we still have three more to go next week before the finals. Urgh!! teringatkan debate hari selasa yang lalu. The motion was "examination should be replaced with other forms of assesments"..ana jadik pembangkang. I support examinations...bila diingatkan balik, sebenar nye subjek yg di ajar tu senang cuma, students tend to fail sbb they do not UNDERSTAND what they are READING....
Nasib baik Miss sudi share tips cm mane nak smart study. Mcm subjek Administrative Office Management, ia berkenaan dgn roles and responsibility in the offce & bagi Organizational Behavior, kita hanya perlu faham ttg org di dlm organisasi tu..makne nye individu dlm office.. (these two subjects is a part of the subjects offered in my course)
Problem yg susah disusahkan lagi sebab tu berlaku nya STRESS.....Nama lagi student, stress akan jadi satu kebiasaan. yg penting is how you handle stress. Jgn terlampau stress sebab nnti leh jd GILA...x mau gitu. For the last two of the first raya celebration, i locked my self at home just to finish my assignments so that later i will be free. x sangka bila balik tok plak ada laig yg menunggu. Lain bunyi case study lain lagi dengan portfolio nye...apa2 pun more assesments & evaluation teaches a student to be more proactive in opening their books to read...
Merapu dah ana nie....ana & geng penat sangat2...Moga2 all goes well for all of us later masa study break nanti. Kalau x pun, at least dapat cover subjek2 final nanti...hurm~~~
Well, that's all that i can wtite about for this week, mata dah mengantok da...nak balik hostel & tido kejap..anyways, till then,
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Reunion + Riang Ria Raya 2011......
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Kek Raye tahun nih..Ice Cream Coffee |
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Sepupu kecilku beria2 jadi camera man |
Reunion with old friends(^_^) lamo beno dah x tengok diorang nih!! |
Kasi gegar tempat bowling center..hahaha(^_^) |
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Geng2 old Skool..hehe, Dari Kiri: abang, A'and, Alam & Ma'el |
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Muslimah2 kasi gegar satu shopping complex..hehe(^.O,) |
My Besties!! Akak ana yg ambik gambar |
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Kelas 6 Perdana 10 years later... |
Nisa & her cute one year old daughter(^_^) |
Tengah tercari2 mano posisi baguih nak begambo...hehehe.. |
(Susun atur untuk bergambar)..every year, its tradition in the femly to take at least one family photo during the 1st day of raya(^^,)... |
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Ayu cik Yaty kita nih..hehe(^_^) |
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Bebudak semua beratur salam dengan nenek & Pak cik Mak cik |
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Sape nak cokelat? Meh pak wa bagi...(^_^) |
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Of Ramadhan & upcoming Syawal....(^_^)
Alhamdulillah, syukur atas nikmat & rahmat yg Allah berikan buat kita sampai sekarang kita masih boleh bertemu lagi dengan bulan yang penuh dengan rahmat iaitu bulan Ramadhan. Ana mintak maaf sesangat bab lama x update blog. Bulan nih memang penuh cabaran bagi ana especially life in campus. Anyways, been very busy with preparations for my public speaking and plus new assignments have been added to my schedule that needs attention..(SIGH..(=__=))..x pe cabaran dalam bulan Ramadhan.
Now, that semuanya sekaligus kertas kerja sudah selesai dihantar, dibuat dan dijawab dapatlah ana duduk rehat buat sementara waktu. Ana x pat nak rileks sangat bab sebaik saje seminggu cuti raya nih habis, ana & geng2 sekelas, se fakulti, sekampus akan menghadapi FINAL EXAMINATION. lepas tu CCCUUUUTTTTIIIII.!!!! but not for me... ana terpaksa bukak buku getting ready for the next semester punye subject. My target ECO160 & ACC106. Apuuu!!! hehe...X pe, ana dah ready dah. X sabar nak graduate!!
So, how has these few weeks of Ramadhan has been so far to some of my dear Muslimin & Muslimah friends? Whatever the problems or just mainly anything that bothers you cast them aside...focus on what is important and for those who likes to as what they call 'PORET' jauhilah bab nanti x pasal2 tebik posa ktk org. X perlu kaitkan poret je amalan2 yg jahat tu hindarkanlah. In this holy month we should be focusing on our fasting as well as perbanyak kan membuat amal ibadah. Bila lah lagi pintu rahmat Allah nak bukak selain dari bulan ini. time nielah kita perlu bebanyak update pahala plus didik diri kita...
Cakap ttg malam terindah iaitu Malam Lailatul Qadar, ade gak citer ttg tu. yesterday me & my friend ada rasa something semacam je. malam tu sejuk & hati ana kurang senang but then again the feeling is big. Ana ader gak terasa something malam tu. I cannot describe the feeling....pagi menjelma kembali & kawan ana bg tau kat ana yg pagi sebelum subuh tadi dia dpt rasa kehadiran malam seribu malam tersebut. Beruntung bagi mereka yang beriktikad di masjid pada malam2 ganjil..mlm semalam pun mlm ganjil....
Bulan Ramadhan nih banyak cobaan but Alhamdulillah we manage to overcome it all. Now, as i look around the village plus around the city, banyak lampu raya yg dah pasang. terasa singkat sangat bulan Ramadhan nih. Datang cinta dulu dan pergi lah cinta tak lama lagi. Bulan Ramadhan nie sememangnya bulan yg paling ana suka. Raya nih, seperti biasa ana & keluarga try to celebrate it as simple as possible. Kalau boleh bagi semua yg bakal menyambut Hari Raya nanti kalau beli barang tue, ehem2 berpada2 le...nanti ujong cerita x pasal2 berhutang kiri dan kanan. Jangan membazir duit sekadar hendak bergaya di bulan syawal nih. Kalau duit untuk sedekah ke pd bulan Ramadhan x lah apa jugak kan?
Bulan nih jugak ana & geng2 classmates berkesempatan untuk buat lawatan ke Mahkamah Tinggi Kuching, Sarawak. Alhamdulillah, kepala kebawak dan kaki keatas ana cuba aturkan lawatan nih. at first memang banyak halangan but with determination and sokongan dari semua Alhamdulillah semuanya dapat diselesaikan. Nanti ana postkan gambar kat dalam blog ye..(^^,) banyak manfaat yang dapat kami peroleh dekat sana & orang2 di mahkamah tersebut pun baik2 & sopan belaka. unlike the ones i talked on the phone to. Apa2 pun ana just harap Allah maafkan mereka. Seriously, it pays to be polite even if you are having conversation on the phone. Ana bukan marah but upset bab kalau benda macam nih x diambil serious people might have bad perceptions & prejudice terhadap tempat or pekerja kt sana. Wah2 dah keluar da subjek OB!..hehe..anyways, It is very important to greet people polite even kalau org tu pengemis ke, buruh ke, ape ke bab you are representing your office & that is a big responsibility. tau2 le mentality org nanti kalau terlepas cakap. kan dah kena nanti?...
All in All, Ana hope all goes fine for the holiday seasons. Dalam kesempatan nih, ana nak wish seluruh umat Islam Muslimin dan Muslimah sekalian di dunia ini regardless of wherever you are, Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan Almubarak & Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya AidilFitri. Moga2 pada dua bulan yg bahagia ini Allah S.W.T limpahkan Rahmat dan kurniaNya kepada kita. Kepada mereka yang akan balik ke kampung, Pandulah kereta tu cermat2 ye. INGAT!! Nyawa orang kat dalam kereta tu di tangan anda. Orang yang kat dalam kereta tu pun saling lah ingat mengingati ye. Selamat pulang ke kampung halaman & pandu cermat2 ye.(^^,) Biar lambat asalkan selamat, bak kata....
Well, i'll end my post here, Insya'Allah i'll try to update on many things as soon as possible dalam masa terdekat nih..Lupa plak, Geng2 ana masa skool dulu ada ajak ana iftar bersama2 mereka. i'll post on that soon, Insya'Allah...have a nice week everyone..till then...Wasalamu'Alaimum..=)
Monday, July 25, 2011
Movie Review & Pics of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows pt 2
Assalamu'alaikum and Good day everyone(^^,)
Now, from my point of view for the movie, its a thumbs up!!(O.<,)YEahh...The movie displayed many emotions particularly on Snape. Yup i do have to admit that i cried when i watched the movie. my rate for it is 8/10. My favourite part was during the battle of Hogwarts and Snape's memory. but i have to admit i'm more interested to the side of Snape. who would've thought? haha, i can totally understand his emotions for lily. Heck, if he's not too much consumed to the dark side( ala2 starwars lah pulak), Lily might have returned his love. Harry on the other hand would have had a different name? erk? not gonna happen. i like harry to have the potter name instead cause it sounds more promising..heheheee...
Another part is on Draco Malfoy. i could see that the character is very much stuck in between. Poor boy, he's got too much weight on his shoulders. Well, we all love him very much now do we? hehe..i know i do.
Another sad part for me to see was during the Battle of Hogwarts where the strike took place. many have died and injured from both sides, mainly students. As harry battles against voldemort, many of his allies and friends died. to name a few, The lovable twin weasly, Fred Weasly, Harry's ex-defense against the dark arts teacher, Remus Lupin and his wife Tonks. it was a hard sight to see. I love Fred Weasly, he is a joyful character as well as his twin George.
Neville was probably the most bravest characters throughout the entire story aside the trio. He even dare to fight voldemort himself and managed to destroy the last remaining Horucrux in which was Voldemort's pet snake, nagini.
In the end Harry managed to defeat voldemort and destroy the elder wand. The film ends with another shot coming from nineteen years later as our protagonist grew into a loving father of three children. James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter and young Lily Luna Potter. By the way, he married Ginny Weasley. Ron and Hermione got their happy endings as they send their eldest daughter, Rose Weasly to the ever cool Hogwarts Express..I'm certainly gonna miss this story. it has been a good memory to remember. Good job to the Director David Yates for making this movie a good one as well as the members of the cast of Harry Potter...(^^,)
here a few pictures that i got in the internet about the movie(^^,) enjoy...


Inside Bellatix's Vault in search for the Horucrux

The arrival of the trio in Hogsmade

The search for Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem

Snape when seeing Harry in the Great Hall

Proffessor Mcgonagall battling snape in the Great Hall

Hogwarts students getting ready to defend the castle & ready for war

Draco a& friends outside of the Room of Requirements

The battle of Hogwarts

Ginny, Dean & Cho along with other students

Hogwarts in ruins
Ron and Mrs. Weasly mourns for the death of Fred
Dead body of Tonks & Remus

Snape and Harry seconds before his death

Snape's childhood memory with Lily
Snape's patronus symbolizes a doe, the same as lily's patronus
Harry being hit by the killing curse conjured by Voldemort

Everyone upon the anouncment of Harry's death


Neville stood up against Voldemort & the death eaters


The battle continues from Harry's awakening
Mrs. Weasly fought with Bellatrix Lestrange as she tries to harm Ginny

Harry trying to reach his wand

The last battle between Harry & Voldemort

Harry & Ginny 19 Years later

Albus Severus Potter
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows pt 2
Holidays are over and real work begins once more here in the heart of knowledge in UiTM...My hear skips a beat..bukan kerana lelaki but more towards the public side. I'm just counting the days as i rehearsed for my speech for Public Speaking subject. There's nothing new much around as i've completely spend my one week holiday at home accompanied by good old assignments and homework..(Sigh..) and half of them is finished. Next stop is for LAW class as i had to call the court to see whether our class as well as the other group can do a field trip there. managed to cover that up but we had to do a letter and send it to them not later than this week. I had to check with my lecturer later for the headings of the letter.
For the past two days, i was overly, madly exited as i get to go and watch my most favourite movie of all time, 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows'. Teruja sangat2 sebab this has been my favourite story since i was very young, i think i was 11 years old and i pretty much grew up with that story. Hehe..long ago,my friends knew that among all of them i was the biggest fan(>.<) sad though, that it ends but no worries, i kept Harry Potter, and all the characters and the story close to my heart..(-.-,)
The film picks up where Part 1 left off, with Lord Voldemort stealing the Elder Wand from Albus Dumbledore's tomb and shooting a large bolt of lightning into the sky. It then cuts to Hogwarts which is no longer a colorful castle of magic, but a shadowy concentration camp surrounded by Dementors with the students being marched through the Entrance Courtyard. Severus Snape stands in the top of the castle and watches the students with a sad expression.
At Shell Cottage, Harry Potter sits in front of Dobby's grave, after the funeral gazing into the one way mirror. He suspects that there is a Horcrux in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault at Gringotts so he, Ron, and Hermione strike a deal with Griphook: He will get them into Gringotts Wizarding Bank to find the Horcrux if they give him the Sword of Gryffindor, a bargain to which they reluctantly agree. Harry then questions Ollivander, who examines and identifies the stolen wands of Bellatrix Lestrange and Draco Malfoy. While he confirms that Draco's wand is safe to use, he cautions Harry about Bellatrix's wand, as it is "unyielding" and might be dangerous unless its allegiance has changed. Harry then asks him if he knows about the Deathly Hallows and Ollivander claims he does not think they exist, although Harry knows he has told Voldemort about the Elder Wand through his connection. After Harry tells Ollivander that Voldemort has acquired the Elder Wand, the latter warns Harry that he really doesn't stand a chance in defeating Voldemort if what he has heard is true.
With Harry and Griphook under the Invisibility Cloak, Hermione disguised as Bellatrix and Ron as a foreign wizard with bushy facial hair, the trio and Griphook Apparate to Gringotts. During the first phase of the mission Harry and Ron are forced to use the Imperius Curse on Bogrod to cover up Hermione's unsuccessful impersonation of Bellatrix. They manage to get into the vault despite their disguises being removed by The Thief's Downfall, and inside the vault they find Helga Hufflepuff's Cup, the Horcrux, but set off the Geminio curse, causing everything they touch to multiply exponentially. Griphook takes the sword from them after they get the cup, saying that he never said he would help them get out, only in. He runs for it and calls security, the trio are almost crushed by the gold and captured but Hermione gets them to jump on the back of a dragon kept as a security measure. Setting the dragon free, it wreaks havoc killing several goblins, including Bogrod who was still under the control of Ron's Imperius Curse, crashing through the roof and flying off with the trio on its back. After jumping off the dragon into a lake, Harry has a vision of Voldemort furiously killing Griphook and many other Gringotts employees and personnel at Malfoy Manor for allowing his Horcrux to get stolen. Choosing to keep Nagini by his side, he summons his followers and orders them to invade Hogwarts to ensure the Horcrux he hid there is still safe.
Having sensed Voldemort thinking of his Horcrux and Hogwarts through their connection, Harry tells the other two they have to go there and destroy it before Voldemort can get to it, and that Voldemort seems to be getting more fragile and afraid with each Horcrux destroyed. They Apparate to Hogsmeade but immediately trigger Caterwauling alarms set up by Death Eaters, waiting for Harry. The trio are almost captured but Aberforth Dumbledore gets them safely into his home and berates them for coming to the village. Harry discovers that it was him who had been watching them through the mirror shard and him who sent Dobby to rescue them before after seeing the two-way mirror hung up on the wall. Aberforth provides them with food and advises them to give up on their mission, go into hiding and save themselves. Harry said that he trusts Dumbledore's judgement that the task has to be seen through no matter what, but Aberforth insists that Albus had left them a suicide mission and it was hopeless. After Harry insisted on finishing what he had started, Aberforth summoned Neville Longbottom through a secret passage behind Ariana's portrait to bring them into Hogwarts. Bruised and beaten by the Death Eaters of the staff, Neville and most of the students have been hiding in the Room of Requirement all year. They welcome Harry in with tremendous applause and jump at the idea of helping Harry finish Voldemort but Harry still doesn't know what the Horcrux looks like or where it is. After saying it might be connected to Ravenclaw, Luna suggests that Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem might be it, despite no one alive today having seen it. Ginny arrives and after gazing at Harry for a moment tells everyone that Snape was now aware of Harry's break in and wanted everyone in the Great Hall.
In the Hall, Snape orders anyone who may hold information regarding Harry's location to tell him immediately or face punishment. Harry then reveals himself after hiding within the crowd and rebukes Snape for standing where Dumbledore once stood as Headmaster, ordering him to tell the students the truth of how he betrayed and killed Dumbledore as Order of the Phoenix members enter the Great Hall. Snape draws his wand in anger but Minerva McGonagall steps in to defend Harry. Snape and McGonagall face each other off for a moment, before McGonagall defeats the two Carrows and forces Snape to Apparate out of the school. Voldemort then amplifies his voice so the castle could hear him, telling the students to give Harry up in exchange for their lives. Pansy Parkinson suddenly yells for them to grab him but Ginny and other Dumbledore's Army members surround Harry to reassure him that they are on his side. McGonagall orders Filch to take Parkinson and the other Slytherins to the dungeons, to which all the other students applaud. While the others stand and fight, she brings the knight statues of Hogwarts to life to aid them in battle while Filius Flitwick, Horace Slughorn, and Molly Weasley cast a shield around the castle. Luna informs Harry that only Helena Ravenclaw would know where the diadem was and subsequently brings him down to where the ghost resides. Helena is reluctant at first to tell Harry where the diadem is believing that he would use it to sharpen his own wits, declaring that Voldemort had already defiled the diadem with Dark magic. After Harry is able to convince her that he would only seek it to destroy it, Helena tells Harry that Voldemort had hidden it in the room "where everything is hidden".
Ron and Hermione go down into the Chamber of Secrets to acquire a basilisk fang so as to get rid of the cup. After Hermione destroys it at Ron's insistence, they are almost killed by a tsunami that forms as a result of the cup's destruction, which is felt by both Voldemort and Harry. However, the waves dissipate and the two finally share a passionate kiss. The Death Eaters and Snatchers at this time had arrived and had begun trying to break down the shield but were unable to resulting in three Snatchers disintegrating from running directly into it. Voldemort finally decides to cast a powerful spell causing the shield to collapse and dissolve. However, the amount of power used causes the Elder Wand to crack slightly along its length but doesn't break. Realising the shield has been dissolved, Scabior and the Snatchers all pursue Neville over the Covered Bridge to get into Hogwarts, however, Neville causes it to collapse effectively killing Scabior and most of the Snatchers but managing to save himself. The Death Eaters, Dementors, Giants and Acromantulas all attack Hogwarts with the students, staff, and Order of the Phoenix valiantly fighting back. Harry heads to the Room of Requirement but stops to kiss Ginny. He wants to say that he loves her but she holds his face and whispers that she knew before allowing him to continue with his mission.
In the Room of Requirement, Draco, Gregory Goyle, and Blaise Zabini confront Harry as soon as he finds the diadem in a wooden case which he was able to sense through his connection to Voldemort (there is no mention of Crabbe or his ultimate fate). During the confrontation, Draco asks for his wand back remarking that his mother's wand is "powerful but not the same". Harry senses Draco's reluctance to aid Voldemort since he failed to identify Harry to Bellatrix earlier at Malfoy Manor, but before Draco can speak Ron and Hermione intervene by casting stunning jinxes at Malfoy, although Goyle casts several Killing Curses at the trio before running off with Ron in immediate pursuit. Goyle casts Fiendfyre on the Room causing Ron to run back to Harry and Hermione warning them about the impending danger. Goyle, due to inexperience, is unable to stop his wand from conjuring even more flames and resorts to tossing his wand away and climbs up a large pile of furniture with Malfoy and Blaise. During the climb Goyle loses his footing by accidentally grabbing a loose chair and falls into the flames, which engulf and kill him instantly. His death upsets Malfoy greatly but doesn't stop him from reaching the peak of the furniture pile. The trio desperately try to run from the spreading flames, which take the forms of monstrous creatures, but wind up trapped between the piles of lost items with the Fiendfyre emerging from all sides. Ron is able to spot a small stack of broomsticks which they use to travel above the flames and back to the door. However, Harry, seeing Malfoy and Blaise desperately trying to avoid falling into the flames and almost slipping to their deaths, decides to fly back to them and save them with Ron begrudgingly accepting to do the same. The trio are able to save their rivals just in time and quickly fly out of the entrance to the Room of Requirement with the diadem, which Harry immediately destroys with a basilisk fang Hermione had in her bag. Ron then kicks the destroyed diadem back into the Room of Requirement just as its doors close and the Fiendfyre forms into the visage of Voldemort. Voldemort senses the diadem's destruction, and when Pius Thicknesse interrupts his concentration, Voldemort kills him in frustration.
After destroying the diadem, Harry has a vision of Nagini and Voldemort in the Boathouse, with Voldemort telling Lucius to bring him Snape. The trio run through the devastated castle, avoiding the Dark monsters and attacking the Death Eaters as they went. Fenrir Greyback and was feasting on Lavender Brown's flesh but Hermione blasts him away from her over a cliff although they are shocked at what they had just seen. Hundreds of Dementors descend on the castle but Aberforth, Kingsley, Katie Bell, Ginny, Romilda Vane, Padma, Leanne and Seamus steps in and Aberforth casts a massive shield-like Patronus Charm to repel them. The trio hide behind the Boathouse and listen to Snape and Voldemort discussing the Elder Wand, with Snape trying to convince Voldemort that the Elder Wand was the latter's to command, but Voldemort had a different theory. He believed that since Snape had killed Dumbledore the Elder Wand served him, not Voldemort. After he farewells Snape as a valued member of the Death Eaters, Voldemort slits Snape's throat and orders Nagini to finish him off so that he can gain control of the Wand. Nagini strikes Snape several times as the trio watch in horror, leaving Snape terribly wounded but not yet dead. Voldemort then departs the Boathouse with Nagini and amplifies his voice again, ordering his forces to temporarily retreat to the Forbidden Forest and calling for all combatants to dispose of their dead with dignity. He then taunts Harry of how his friends had died trying to protect him and then warns Harry that if he will not give up his life, Voldemort will destroy the castle and anyone who stands in his way to find him. Harry quietly walks into the Boathouse and bends down beside Snape checking his wounds as Ron and Hermione stand nearby watching. Harry sights a tear leaving Snape's eyes but upon the latter's insistence to "take them" Harry realises they are memories and gets Hermione to hand him a glass phial to contain them. Snape then whispers for Harry to look at him and remarks that he has the same eyes as his mother, Lily Evans, before succumbing to his wounds.
With most of Hogwarts now crumbled and ruined, the trio slowly make their way through the deserted area and find everyone in the Great Hall, mourning the deaths of their friends. Padma Patil and Sybill Trelawney tearfully cover up a Unknown Proffeser body while there are others covering up the bodies of those who died in the battle. The trio then go to the other Weasley's who are all devastated over Fred Weasley's death, with Ron and his mother grieving over Fred's body. Harry then sees that Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks had too had died in the battle. Unable to stay there, knowing that it was because of him they had died, Harry leaves the Hall and walks to the Headmaster's office. The office was much emptier and gloomier than Harry remembered but the Pensieve opened itself to Harry, apparently knowing what Harry needed to do. Harry then pours Snape's memories into the Pensive and lays his face in it.
In the Pensieve, Harry sees two young girls in a meadow, one red head and one brunette; Harry's mother and aunt. Harry sees that Lily is merrily opening a flower's petals with magic but Petunia calls her a freak and slaps the flower away from her. Then a young Snape comes out from under a tree and reveals himself to them, scaring Petunia away. Throughout their childhood, Snape and Lily were good friends, playing around with nearby flora with their magic. Later on, it can be seen that Snape develops a crush on her. At Hogwarts, Lily was Sorted into Gryffindor as a disappointed Snape looked on while she introduces herself to Harry father James Potter and Sirius Black at the Gryffindor table. The two remain friends during their time at school but Harry saw how James frequently and relentlessly bullied Snape. Snape's hatred of James only worsened when Lily had fallen for James in their Seventh year. As a young adult Death Eater, Snape told Voldemort all he had heard of the Prophecy about who could kill him, not knowing Voldemort would target Harry. When Voldemort set off to kill baby Harry and his parents, Snape turned to Albus Dumbledore, the only person who could protect Lily, whom Snape never stopped loving. Snape begged Dumbledore to hide them after telling Voldemort about the Prophecy Dumbledore agreed on the condition that Snape defect from the Death Eaters Snape complied immediately.
Despite Dumbledore's efforts, Wormtail's betrayal gave away the Potter's location to Voldemort allowing him to murder Harry's parents, but was unable to kill Harry himself. Snape had gone to Godric's Hollow that night, finding Lily dead and broke down, mortified, cradling Lily's dead body in his arms as baby Harry Potter watches on from his crib, crying with his newly inflicted scar. Dumbledore convinced Snape to help him protect Harry should Voldemort return so that Lily would not have died in vain, which Snape agreed to only if Dumbledore never told anyone his true feelings for her. Over the years Snape remained at Hogwarts and used Occlumency to hide his loyalty to Dumbledore from Voldemort and everyone else, yet he personally despised Harry as he served as a constant reminder that Lily had never loved him. Eventually Snape grew to hold Harry in some respect, and came to care a great deal for Dumbledore as both a friend and mentor. It was revealed that Snape had saved Dumbledore's life from the curse contained in Marvolo Gaunt's Ring, by containing it in his hand temporarily yet it would take effect with about a year. Dumbledore told Snape that he knew of Draco's orders to kill him and to both spare Draco and gain Voldemort's complete trust, Snape had to be the one to kill him. Dumbledore then told Snape that when the Killing Curse rebounded on Harry as an infant, a part of Voldemort's soul broke away and latched itself into Harry, which meant Harry too is a Horcrux and that Voldemort must kill him to be mortal and therefore vulnerable to death. Snape was supposed to tell Harry this only when all of the other Horcruxes are destroyed but Snape was reluctant. Snape was also shocked and insulted that Dumbledore had kept Harry alive all this time just so that he could die at the proper moment. Dumbledore had underestimated Snape's devotion to Lily, but this changed when Snape cast his own Patronus, which was the silver doe, the same as Lily's, proving to Dumbledore how much he still loved her and to Harry that it had been he who had given him the sword in the Forest of Dean. Dumbledore had briefly thought that Snape had cared for Harry, but was proven wrong by the Patronus.
Harry, in shock, now knew what he had to do. He had to give his life up so that Voldemort could finally be killed. He tells Ron and Hermione that he was going to the Forbidden Forest to their dismay. Hermione sobbingly insisted that Harry let her go with him but Harry refused reminding them that they had to kill Nagini, the only other Horcrux left. After a tearful goodbye, Harry went to the Forest. The Golden Snitch he still had in his pocket opened for him, upon hearing the words "I am ready to die" from Harry, finally knowing what the inscription "I open at the close" meant. Inside the Snitch was the Resurrection Stone which he used to call back his parents, Remus and Sirius. They provided him with emotional support before Harry walked to his demise, knowing from Sirius that dying was "quicker than falling asleep". As he was finished conversing with his parents and finally ready to go on, he drops the stone into the forest floor to ensure it became lost forever. Harry finds Voldemort and the Death Eaters in the middle of the forest, with Rubeus Hagrid yelling for him to run. Harry stood still and closed his eyes as Voldemort slowly raised the Elder Wand and fired the Killing Curse at Harry.
At first it seemed to be over, but Harry woke up in a marble white version of King's Cross Station. His glasses were gone and so were all the injuries he'd suffered. There he found a child-like and bloodied version of Voldemort bent into a fetal position under a seat for which he felt pity and revulsion. The spirit of Albus Dumbledore revealed itself nearby and told Harry he could not help the blooded creature. Dumbledore tied up all the loose ends, telling Harry everything he had withheld in the past and that Harry as not actually dead, rather the Killing Curse had only destroyed the bit of Voldemort inside him, which is what the small blooded thing represented. Harry asked if he had to go back but Dumbledore said that was up to him, he could either go back and finish Voldemort or he could continue to the afterlife. Dumbledore concluded that he had always said that "Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it", but he now thought it more obvious that "Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who deserve it."
Harry re-awoke in the Forest and feigned death to fool Voldemort. Narcissa Malfoy bent down to him and covertly asked if Draco was still alive, which Harry confirmed. Knowing all that she needed to know, Narcissa lied to the Death Eaters that Harry was dead. Voldemort and the Death Eaters returned to the castle with Hagrid tearfully carrying Harry in his arms. Voldemort triumphantly declared Harry's death to the castle and causing Ginny to start screaming in heartbreak and disbelief only to be held back by Arthur Weasley as she attempted to run to Harry's apparently dead body. She keeps struggling until Voldemort keeps her and everyone else back with a wave of his wand. He announces to them that the time has come for them to either join him or die. Against his better judgement, Draco emerges from the other Hogwarts members to be with his parents and Voldemort gives him a congratulatory hug. Neville steps forward and after enduring some taunting from Voldemort he declares that they are not finished. He said they may have lost Harry, Fred, Remus, Tonks, Lavender, and many others but they had died fighting for liberty and justice. He also surmised that they still carried those they loved in their hearts which was reason enough to keep fighting to the end. Proving himself a true Gryffindor, Neville pulled the sword out of the Sorting Hat, which he found in the rubble of the castle, and Harry jumped out of Hagrid's arms revealing himself to everyone present he was still alive, to the great relief of his friends. Voldemort, totally thunderstruck, furiously sent more curses at Harry who ran to join the others back in the castle. Many Death Eaters quickly realise Voldemort's failure to kill Harry marks a turn in the tide and choose to Disapparate; Bellatrix angrily urges a reluctant Lucius to join the battle, but he flees with his wife and son.
The battle recommenced with Voldemort sending Neville flying back into the Great Hall before he could give Harry the sword. Voldemort then chases Harry all over the castle trying to kill him while Ron and Hermione tried to destroy Nagini. In the Great Hall, the battle rages on leaving many of the Death Eaters defeated whilst Bellatrix almost kills Ginny. Molly furiously stepped in after seeing this and takes on the maniacal and sadistic witch. The two have a ferocious duel on a table in the Great Hall, with Bellatrix continuously defending herself from Molly's spells awestruck at the latter's determination to destroy her. Finally, Molly casts a curse that strikes Bellatrix squarely on her chest, before tearing her body into shreds with another spell. Inside Hogwarts' rooftops, Harry tells Voldemort that the Elder Wand would never work for him because it had never been Snape's; he then grabs Voldemort around the neck and throws both of them over the edge of the castle before Voldemort Apparates them. Voldemort flies uncontrollably around Hogwarts, crashing into many things with him and Harry wrestling in the air before crash landing in the Entrance Courtyard and dropping their wands. The two enemies desperately crawl to their respective wands and retrieved them at the same time. Harry tells Voldemort before the duel that Snape was'nt on hes and that he loved Lily all hes life and that he was on Dumbledore side all along. Voldemort says it matter not weather Snape was hes our Dumbledore and claims to be the master of the Elder wand. Harry tells Voldemort that it was Draco who was the master of the elder wand not Snape since he disarmed Dumbledore but then tells him he disarmed Draco so it make him the master of the Elder wand. Harry tells him feel remorse it the only way to get redemption to Voldemort furry just as the sunrise everyone watch at asafe distant the duel. Voldemort fires a Killing Curse with Harry countering cast Expelliarmus. The two spells collide but neither overpower the other since the Elder Wand would not harm Harry and Voldemort still could not be killed. The Malfoys, with Draco safely returned to them, fled the castle in order to preserve their own safety.
Meanwhile, Nagini corners Ron and Hermione after several failed attempts to destroy the final Horcrux including Ron casting the Killing Curse at her. Nagini, ready to kill them, slithers towards the couple and strikes, Neville slicing off her head just in time after reawakening in the Great Hall amidst the chaos. With the last Horcrux gone Voldemort was now finally at his most vulnerable: He casts one final Killing Curse at Harry which he was able to deflect with a Disarming Charm. The Elder Wand then flies from Voldemort's hand as the Killing Curse rebounded on him. Harry watched as Voldemort slowly hit the floor desperation into nothingness but left with a feeble like body shrunken the war is finally over. as crowd cheer Harry While everyone else recovered from the battle, Harry explains to Ron and Hermione why the Elder Wand did not work for Voldemort. Voldemort had killed Snape but Snape had never beaten Dumbledore: His death had been planned between them so Dumbledore had not died defeated. Draco had Disarmed Dumbledore that night against the latter's will, so the Wand had turned to him until Harry had taken Draco' to wand from him. Now the Elder Wand answered to him, but Harry knew that even though it was powerful, it was more trouble than it was worth. So he snaps it in half and throws the pieces over the edge of the bridge despite Ron and Hermione's obvious lust for the wands ownership. The three friends hold hands and gaze dreamily into the distance, wondering what would come next now that it was all over. The Elder wand appears in Dumbledore's tomb to rest alongside him due to the fact that it can't be destroyed.
Nineteen years later, Harry and Ginny are married with three children, Albus Potter, James Potter II and Lily Potter. They arrive at Platform 9¾ to see Albus and James off to Hogwarts. They meet up with Ron and Hermione, also married with two children, Hugo Weasley and Rose Weasley. Draco is also present, married and with a son who resembles him in many ways, named Scorpius Malfoy. Albus asks his father what would happen if he was Sorted into Slytherin. Harry told him that if that happened Slytherin will have gained a wonderful young wizard although the Sorting Hat also takes one's wishes into account. Addressing him by his full name, Albus Severus Potter, Harry also reveals to him Albus that he was named after the two men who had been headmaster when he was at Hogwarts, and that one of them was a Slytherin and the bravest man Harry had ever known. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny happily watch as their children depart for school on the Hogwarts Express as other parents and their children wave goodbye to each other. Their adventures at Hogwarts might be over but they were now part of something new and even more amazing: Guiding their children through their own adventures.
Information curtesy of this website( Note: i do not own harry potter. The rights and every thing goes to their respective creator.)
Differences between the movie and the book
. The Wandmaker/Shell Cottage
- Mr. Ollivander is familiar with the Deathly Hallows, while in the book, he doesn't understand what the term means.
- Ollivander doesn't admire Voldemort like he does in the book.
- Ollivander only identified Bellatrix's wand and Draco's wand.
- In the book Bill Weasley tells Harry why Goblins don't trust wizards. This does not happen in the movie, although it is apparent when Griphook asks the trio how they came by the Sword of Gryffindor, to which Harry replies it came to them at their moment of need and that they didn't steal it.
- Lupin doesn't come to Shell Cottage, which can be confusing because Harry was never told about his son. presumely Remus told him off screen during the battle.
- Harry doesn't ask Ollivander about his original broken wand.
- Hermione does not talk about Bellatrix torturing her.
2. Gringotts
- Hermione's voice does not change when she used the Polyjuice Potion to become Bellatrix Lestrange.
- The whole incident with Travers and the bloody beggar isn't displayed due to timing.
- Hermione didn't use the Cushioning Charm when the trio, Griphook and Bogrod fell; instead she used Aresto Momentum. Also in the book, the cart flipped over but in the movie the seats let them fall.
- The items in the Lestrange's vault are only under the effect of Gemino and not Flagrante. Ironically, shortly afterward they are putting essence of Dittany on their hands. It is mentioned in the video game adaption that the Flagrante curse has been placed on the treasure.
- Hermione comes up with the idea of releasing the dragon and does so, not Harry.
- Bogrod is killed by the dragon while still under Ron's Imperius curse, which he promptly forgot to remove.
- In the book, Griphook snatches the sword from the Trio. In the movie, Griphook grabs the cup and demands Harry give him the sword in exchange.
- Instead of Hermione using Levicorpus on Harry so he could reach the Horcrux, Harry fights his way through the Gemino-cursed treasure and reaches for the Horcrux himself.
3. The Lost Diadem
- Snape and Death Eaters Alecto and Amycus Carrow watch the Hogwarts students marching across the Entrance Courtyard and the Grand Staircase.
- Harry, through his connection to Voldemort, sees the Hogwarts castle and Helena Ravenclaw, making Harry realise that Ravenclaw is connected to one of Voldemort's Horcruxes.
- When Harry, Ron and Hermione enter Hogsmeade, they don't go under the Invisibility Cloak and the Death Eaters don't send Dementors; instead the trio run across a locked gate and Aberforth brings them inside the Hog's Head.
- Harry tells Aberforth about the mission that Dumbledore had assigned to him, whereas in the books Harry kept the secret of hunting Horcruxes to himself, Ron and Hermione as per Dumbledore's explicit instructions.
- Aberforth doesn't tell Harry about his backstory with Albus and Ariana, and Dumbledore's backstory is never even discussed in the film. However, Aberforth does mention that Ariana was one thing that Albus "sacrificed" in his quest for power, indicating that this subplot was present in some form in the original script. In the film, it is implied that this statement by Aberforth was borne of his bitterness and resentment due to constantly living in his brother's shadow, and thus, possibly should not be interpreted as an entirely reliable or accurate version of events based on Aberforth's biased point of view.
- Snape and the Carrows summon all the students to the Great Hall in the movie. In the book, when Alecto Carrow sees Harry in the Ravenclaw common room, she summons her brother and Snape through the Dark Mark.
- When arriving at Hogwarts, Harry reveals himself to Snape in the Great Hall and is furious at him for standing in Dumbledore's place, even demanding that Snape tell everyone how he killed him.
- Professor McGonagall duels Snape in the Great Hall in front of the entire school before he turns to black "smoke", smashing through the window in the Great Hall. But in the book, McGonagall, Sprout and Flitwick duel Snape, 3 versus 1. The duel is less of a resourceful encounter and more of a, cast at one another battle.
- Instead of evacuating students, Minerva McGonagall orders Argus Filch to take all of the Slytherin house students to the dungeons.
- Draco Malfoy apparates into the dungeons and gets Gregory Goyle and Blaise Zabini, then they go to the Room of Requirement after Harry.
- Instead of Protego Horribilis, Professors Flitwick and Slughorn and Molly use Protego Maxima and some other incantations after that.
- The protective shield the Professors place around the school disintegrates anything that attempt to run through it. During the beginning of the Battle of Hogwarts, it instantly kills three Snatchers.
- Neville teases the Snatchers when they unable get past the sheild.
- During the beginning of the Battle, Harry and Ginny kiss.
- When Voldemort destroys the shield around Hogwarts, the Elder Wand cracks a bit by the amount of power used, which may be attributed to the wand's allegiance to Harry, not Voldemort.
- Pius Thicknesse is killed by Voldemort after he interupts his concentration with an unwanted interjection, after the former senses his Diadem Horcrux's destruction.
- Harry and Luna go to Ravenclaw Tower, but not inside the common room, just outside of it.
- The Grey Lady tells Harry where to find the Ravenclaw Diadem. It is implied that she knew of Riddle's intentions to turn it into a horcrux as she screams "he defiled it with Dark Magic!", and that she herself hid it in the Room of Requirement, rather than Riddle placing it in the Room after he acquired it. Helena's backstory of stealing the diadem from her mother, her history with the Bloody Baron, Rowena sending the Baron after her, and the Baron eventually killing Helena and then committing suicide, is never explained.
- In the film, after opening the Chamber of Secrets, Ron claims that Harry speaks Parseltongue in his sleep, and he remembered that to open the door. In the novel, Ron remembered how to speak Parseltongue from when Harry opened the locket, and he destroyed it.
- In the Chamber of Secrets the piece of Voldemort's soul creates a tsunami, after the tsunami is gone Ron and Hermione turn to each other and kiss passionately. In the book, they kiss after Ron says that they should warn the house-elves about the Death Eaters. Afterwards they laugh which implies that this was one of the first scenes where they laughed.
- Vincent Crabbe doesn't appear in the film due to the drug charges against actor Jamie Waylett and Gregory Goyle dies in his place.
- Blaise Zabini is present in the Room of Requirement with Draco and Goyle as a replacement for Crabbe.
- Draco Malfoy describes using his mother's wand as powerful, but not quite the same as his old one.
- The diadem is in a wooden case on a table in the Room of Requirement, not on a bust of an old warlock.
- The diadem is taken out of the Room of Requirement by Harry and Harry destroys the diadem with a Basilisk fang. Ron then kicks it into the Fiendfyre. The part of Voldemort's soul forms three great visages of Voldemort in the flames. Hermione pulls Ron back as the doors swing shut just before the faces can reach the door.
- Harry sees Voldemort and then Ron urges him to look within his mind and see where he is.
- The trio enter the room separately. Harry enters it as Hermione and Ron study the Marauder's map. Harry's name vanishes and Ron says how he may have gone to the Room of Requirement, reminding Hermione she had said so a year ago. Hermione stuns Blaise as they are about to kidnap Harry.
- Ron charges after Malfoy, Goyle and Zabini while Harry and Hermione climb up a pile of furniture, getting attacked by a swarm of Cornish Pixies, and Harry finds the Diadem.
- Only time in the films that Hermione rides her own broomstick due to the previous omission from the first film, as Emma Watson felt it unfair that she'd never been seen riding a broom in the films. "I rode one many times in the books and never in the films so I felt it only fair I was able to ride one in the film.
- Aside from the major characters, the rest of the characters included during the Battle of Hogwarts such as Percy Weasley and Nymphadora Tonks who played a supporting role in the book are reduced to background characters with no dialogue.
- Lavender Brown is killed by Fenrir Greyback. Fenrir is blasted out a window and off a cliff by Hermione in turn.
Aberforth and Kingsley led a group of combatants across the Entrance Courtyard and they fend off hundreds of Dementors during the Battle of Hogwarts with a tidal wave patronus. - Aberforth attacks the Dementors with his patronus, instead of Seamus Finnigan, Luna Lovegood, and Ernie Macmillan.
- Neville shows feelings for Luna two times in the film. The first time he is searching for her in the castle and the second time is after the battle when they sit awkwardly with each other. Matthew Lewis has said that their relationship is merely a "summer fling" before they end up with their respective spouses, Hannah Abbott and Rolf Scamander[213].
- Nagini is not in a protective sphere. Instead, her body is protected by strong protective charms. When Ron launches a curse at Nagini, the curse passed through her body and then struck in the staircase. Also when Harry reveals himself that he is alive, he launches a Confringo at Nagini which rebounds and strikes several Death Eaters that are standing behind Voldemort, causing them to collapse from the blast.
- Snape's death does not take place in the Shrieking Shack, but in the redesigned Boathouse that can see the castle burning. Art director Andrew Ackland-Snow explained why: "We wanted to change a bit where Snape dies. In the book, he dies in the Shrieking Shack, and we wanted to get him out from, not a conventional interior, but from that kind of box, to do it in a more dramatic atmosphere. We asked J.K. if she agreed for that to happen in there [...] and she loved it. Besides, it's a very romantic place to die. Snape dies in a extremely good way, I gotta say". [214]
- Voldemort slashes Snape's throat open with the Elder Wand possibly using Sectumsempra, before ordering Nagini to "finish him". Nagini's attack is not seen, but Snape's screams are heard and the windows of the Boathouse are splattered with his blood as Harry, Ron and Hermione watch on in horror.
- In the book, Snape's memories "gushed" from his mouth, eyes and ears. In the film, his memories are more subtly contained in his tears. The phial that Hermione hands Harry to contain them is not conjured out of thin air like it is in the book, and Snape's last words to Harry are not simply "Look...at...me." (book), but "Look at me. You have your mother's eyes."
- Scabior and the other Snatchers duel Neville on the Covered Bridge, and they are killed when Neville cast a curse on the bridge supports which causes half of the bridge to collapse.
- There are a number of differences in Snape's flashback: [215]
- Snape and Lily are shown to be good friends as children, but the backstory about his and Lily's falling out was not explored in the film (as such, Snape's Worst Memory from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film) was not revisited). It was simply shown than when the two friends were sorted into their respective houses, a first year James moves next to Lily, eyeing Snape. Also Lily met James and Sirius in the book on the Hogwarts Express with a negative impression, whereas in the movie, Lily and James friendly greeted each other at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall.
An added scene shows Lily telling baby Harry (presumably just before Voldemort attacks their house in 1981) to be brave and that he is loved. - The added scene continues, showing Snape going to the Potters' house in Godric's Hollow after Voldemort ravaged the house. He walks through the halls, past James's dead body and collapses, crying, when he finds Lily's body in Harry's nursery. He then cradles her in his arms and cries as baby Harry also cries in his crib.
- While Snape's patronus is shown being a doe, it is not explained how he knew where Harry and Hermione were in the Forest of Dean. Since Harry was looking at the Two-way mirror before Snape's Patronus appeared, and the inside of the Hog's Head was seen, the most likely explanation is that Aberforth was working with Snape, and that Albus may have told him of Snape's true allegiance prior to his death.[216] It is noted in the book that Phineas Nigellus heard Hermoine give away their position as he was listening from Hermoine's enchanted bag.
- After using the Resurrection Stone to bring back James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus, Harry mentions that he was sorry that Remus died right after having his son, Teddy. It is not mentioned on screen how he heard the news of his birth. It is presumed that Remus told him before the Battle of Hogwarts.
- Harry tells Ron and Hermione that he is a Horcrux, and that he must die. Hermione then hugged him and wanted to go with him. When Hermione was hugging him, Harry saw Ron and a tear slowly slid down his cheek.
- Instead of Harry being naked when arriving at King's Cross he is instead fully clothed; he also sees Voldemort in the image of a red, slimy squirming fetus, not unlike the fragile, baby-like form that he'd taken in the film version of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire prior to the Dark Magic ritual in the graveyard with Harry.
- In the film, it was suggested that Harry could not be killed simply because the Killing Curse only destroyed the part of Voldemort's soul inside Harry, and it is not explained how Voldemort anchored Harry to life when he used Harry's blood in his resurrection, thus keeping Lily's protection alive. Dumbledore also doesn't explain the reason why Harry's wand repelled Voldemort's during the Battle over Little Whinging. As mentioned above, neither he nor Aberforth explain the former's backstory, and thus, Dumbledore does not beg Harry's forgiveness for his actions in his youth.
6. The End of the Battle and the Death of the Dark Lord
- In the book, Voldemort used the Cruciatus Curse on Harry's "dead" body and threw him into the sky. But in the movie, he never did that.
- Narcissa voluntarily goes to check if Harry is alive in the film, whereas in the book, Voldemort orders her to go check him.
- In the movie, when Narcissa covertly asks Harry if Draco is still alive, Harry doesn't breathe "Yes"; instead he nods.
- In the book, Voldemort says he would be happy if Neville joined them, but in the film, Voldemort and the Death Eaters taunt him when he steps forward.
- When Voldemort call for Draco step forward, he hugs him awkwardly in congratulations.
- Instead of Neville saying, "I'll join you when Hell freezes over!" in the movie he makes a speech to the Death Eaters, Voldemort and everybody at Hogwarts that Harry may be dead, but inside he's still with them and that he and everyone else who died didn't die in vain and that it's not over.
- After having pulled the Gryffindor Sword from the Sorting Hat, Neville is stunned by Voldemort. He then wakes up in the Great Hall where the Battle started again and takes the sword to kill Nagini.
- Bellatrix does not duel with the combined forces of Luna, Hermione, and Ginny before Molly intervenes and says "NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH."
- Bellatrix and Molly Weasley duel on the top of a table after Bellatrix attacks Ginny. Molly kills her using the killing curse before tearing her body apart with what is likely the Reductor Curse. The power of Molly's killing curse causes Bellatrix's body to become sunken and sallow immediately before it is obliterated by the second spell. During this duel Bellatrix does not laugh at and taunt Molly over the death of her son and seems to take her seriously unlike in the book when she greatly underestimates Molly.
- Trelawney's scene of throwing orbs at death eaters was omitted.
- Both Ron and Hermione try to stab Nagini with a basilisk's fang.
- The Malfoy Family's last appearance was directly after Harry reveals himself to be alive. Narcissa, Draco and Lucius abandon Voldemort and the Death Eaters by walking away down the Viaduct.
- Harry and Voldemort duel throughout Hogwarts after Harry reveals himself. He fires Confringo at Nagini then makes a run for it. Voldemort fires explosions at Harry, then Disapparates with Nagini. Harry is hiding, then when Voldemort walks up the Grand Staircase, Harry fires a spell. Voldemort fires spells at Harry, Disapparates and tries to kill Harry with a Killing Curse but the spells lock. Nagini is about to pounce on Harry, but he throws the tendrils above the ceiling causing it to collapse. Voldemort fires a wave of dark energy, but Harry jumps off the staircase and runs through the Stone Bridge Tower with Voldemort in pursuit. He fires a spell, which Harry deflects onto the catwalk. Voldemort then grabs Harry using his cloak to restrain him. Then he proceeds to strangle and physically beat Harry.
Harry grabs Voldemort and throws them both off of the roof of the castle. Voldemort Apparates them in mid-fall to the Entrance Courtyard. - Duels between George Weasley & Lee Jordan against Yaxley, Filius Flitwick against Antonin Dolohov, Rubeus Hagrid against Walden Macnair, Ron Weasley & Neville Longbottom against Fenrir Greyback, Aberforth Dumbledore against Augustus Rookwood and Arthur Weasley & Percy Weasley against Pius Thicknesse are all ommitted. By the point in which they occur in the book, Greyback and Thicknesse are already dead in the film.
- Voldemort does not duel Minerva McGonagall, Horace Slughorn and Kingsley Shacklebolt.
- Harry and Voldemort duel at the Entrance Courtyard instead of the Great Hall.
- Nagini doesn't die before the battle resumes, but instead dies during Harry and Voldemort's duel. While trying to strike at Ron & Hermione, she is decapitated by Neville with the Sword of Gryffindor.
- When Neville kills Nagini, she disintegrates into black smoke.
- After being struck with the Killing Curse, Voldemort hit the floor his body feeble and shrunken disintegrated into nothingness. in the book he doesn't disintegrated nothingness.
- Participation of Grawp, Horde of Centaurs and Legion of House-elves led by Kreacher are not shown in the movie.
- After the conclusion of the battle. Harry, Ron and Hermione stand on the remains of the Viaduct.
- Rather than using the Elder Wand to repair his original wand or consider returning it to Dumbledore's tomb, Harry snaps it in two and throws it over the side of the Viaduct.
- Harry does not go to the Headmaster's Office after the battle.
- The scene of Kingsley Shacklebolt being named as "Acting Minster for Magic" is omitted, which also omits the details of who became the next Minister for Magic.